PLOT-Six women compete in a survival contest on a tropical island.
VIOLENCE-No injuries or combat, but I believe I saw a guy in a gorilla suit get knocked around.
SEX/NUDITY-Here's what this movie is all about. Each of the women is shown topless and/or naked several times throughout the show, and some of them briefly touch themselves or each other. There isn't any sex on screen, but some is implied.
WHY I LIKED IT-I'm a big fan of "The Bare Wench Project", a movie that this one has a lot in common with, but more importantly I'm a fan of actor Julie K. Smith. She's really not used enough in movies, which is a shame. Anyone who watches this movie will agree that she is incredibly talented. Her character "Ruby" is by far the most believable and interesting, and she gets a lot of laughs (this IS a comedy). Not to mention she is definitely the best-looking of the bunch. The movie itself is great, definitely better and more entertaining than the hugely popular television show it spoofs. The jokes actually work, and it's well-made enough to where you don't get bored watching bouncing breasts the whole time. Definitely a cool movie to break out at your next birthday party. You can't beat the image of a gorilla throwing a pile of feces onto a bikini-clad babe.
DOWNSIDE-I couldn't help but compare this to John Bacchus' "Erotic Survivor", which came out earlier this year and is a parody of the same show. Bacchus' film is sexier, but more amateurish in some ways (it pushed the envelope further in terms of the sexual content and leaned closer to softcore rather than T&A). I do like that movie more, but "Survivors Exposed" has Julie K. Smith and that alone makes it worth multiple viewings.
MEMORABLE SCENES-One of the girls goes off to shit in the woods and sees a big ape nearby. She gets scared and begins yelling to the other girls about something "giant and hairy". They think she's describing her own shit and get completely grossed out.
NOTES-The DVD contains some outtakes and a photo gallery. I saw the unrated version, but there really wasn't anything too steamy that I can recall.

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