PLOT-The evil Razor McBleed kidnaps Bethany, girlfriend of vampire hunter Skeet Depula.
VIOLENCE-Where would a vampire flick be without neck biting and staking?.
SEX/NUDITY-Two simulated sex scenes with no nudity, done for comic effect.
WHY I LIKED IT-If camcorders were around when Ed Wood was young and in his prime, who knows what would've happened? The beauty of independent filmmaking is that there really aren't any limits, and director Chris Seaver's SCROTAL VENGEANCE proves that you don't need a huge budget (or really any at all) to make an entertaining movie. All the acting is super-good, for starters. The script is well-written and full to the brim with references to 1980's pop culture (characters sing Journey songs, reference THE FACTS OF LIFE, and even recite lines from such films as ROCKY HORROR, FRIGHT NIGHT, and NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4), but not in that tired self-referential way we're all sick of. You will not hear dialogue like Chris Seaver's anywhere else, it is very unique and so are the films as a whole. This is the kind of movie you'd watch over and over again, the kind of movie you show your friends, the kind you'd put on at a party. SCROTAL VENGEANCE is underground filmmaking at its finest if you ask me.
DOWNSIDE-The only snags in this movie have nothing to do with the film itself, they are only due to the technical limitations of what the filmmakers had to work with. In the end, none of that matters. This film was a hell of a lot funnier than most of the mega-budget Hollywood comedies I saw this year.
MEMORABLE SCENES-I won't go into detail, but this film has one of the funniest blowjob scenes ever done. The dialogue and special effects are priceless.
NOTES-This movie features a cameo by the incredible Debbie Rochon, and stars Virginia "Kurvsgirl" Masery in one of the lead roles. What are you waiting for, ass? Go to the Low Budget Pictures site and order this and many more of their films.

(December 2002)

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