PLOT-Severely disturbed cross-dressing cocaine addict murders at the command of his doll named "Rubberneck".
VIOLENCE-Where to start? There are gory stabbings, a strangling or two, shootings, and a head crushed by a baseball bat.
SEX/NUDITY-There are countless scenes of the murderer running around naked, but there are also two female actresses that appear nude and have sex with him.
WHY I LIKED IT-First, let me say that this movie could easily be dismissed as anti-woman, or whatever the word is. However, it's just a low-budget video production, way too outlandish to be taken seriously. At the same time, this is one of the most shocking indies have ever seen. What makes the movie, though, is the guy who plays the killer. His acting is highly energetic and incredible, to the point that you're ready for him to say or do anything. He's hilarious, and believably psychotic.
DOWNSIDE-As I mentioned before, the lead actor appears butt naked quite a lot. I could've gone without seeing that, really. Who'd they think was going to be renting this thing?
MEMORABLE SCENES-The killer walks into a porn theater dressed as a blond woman and carrying his "Rubberneck" doll. He starts yelling and masturbating, generally causing havoc, much to the annoyance of other theater patrons. When they get in his face, he starts shooting everyone in the place!
NOTES-Ron Atkins, the director, just did a sequel to this. I can't wait to see it. If you're interested in this tape, go to and look under SHOCK-O-RAMA.

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