PLOT-The Nazis want to start the 4th Reich and raise an ancient mummy from the dead, but not if the Mummy Raider has anything to say about it!
VIOLENCE-Lots of people are beaten up and shot (but no blood is shown), and the mummy's head gets knocked off.
SEX/NUDITY-Every girl gets naked and makes out at some point in this film (as is par for the course in any Seduction Cinema release). The sex scenes aren't as graphic as in some other Seduction titles, but this one does show a good bit of skin.
WHY I LIKED IT-You can't go wrong with an "erotic parody" of a blockbuster Hollywood movie. MUMMY RAIDER is well-made, well-acted, and is actually funny. There's a hell of a lot of gunplay & explosions going on here, and that's a new thing for the company's movies. Cool camera work that parodies the slow-mo Hong Kong style is also present, and of course all the naked lesbians are too. Best of all, Darian Caine gets a decently large role and runs with it just liek always. She is electric, hilarious, and totally engaging on screen. Misty Mundae does a great job with the role's physical requirements, yet still manages to inject enough of her personality into her character as Mummy Raider. And Esmerelda DellaRocca is brilliant as ever...even her German accent is right on the money.
DOWNSIDE-This movie is painfully short!!! I couldn't believe it was over so fast. There was a setup for a bigger and longer movie, but I think they ran out of time or money. Either way, the film doesn't feel like a complete story, and viewers will be left wondering where the rest of the movie is. I'm not sure about the exact running time, but when you watch MUMMY RAIDER while fast-forwarding thru the lesbian scenes, I swear there is less than 30 minutes of actual movie. This is even more ridiculous considering some of the dialogue scenes drag, and a montage of action sequences is repeated twice.
MEMORABLE SCENES-When the mummy comes alive, the nazi lady tries to talk to it. Darian then says, "he doesn't speak english, dumb ass!"
NOTES-The DVD contains a decently long "behind the scenes" segment and a bunch of outtakes too. The main extra that warrants the $14.99 purchase price, however, is a short film called MY FIRST FEMALE LOVER starring Misty Mundae, Esmerelda DellaRocca, and some older looking girl that I've never seen before. Basically it's a lengthy solo masturbation scene with Mundae, we watch her move her hand inside her underwear (for what seems like 30 minutes) while she describes her first lesbian sex encounter (which we get to see) to a friend while on the phone (who is also masturbating).

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