Why do I continue to rent these ultra low-budget, shot on video productions? Well, because every now and then I see one that's exceptionally good. In this format, filmmakers can get away with so much more than we usually see in movies (see SCHIZOPHRENIAC). Anyway, this one featured Marilyn Ghigliotti from CLERKS on the cover (she played Dante's girlfriend Veronica), so that gave it some extra appeal. She's only in it long enough to strip naked and get killed by some psycho guy, but that alone gives the film value. It's not a bad movie, either. It's about some green rubbery monsters that invade earth and go around killing everybody, and has tons of gory deaths. At times it seemed to drag on a bit, but mostly it was well-paced. It was better than THE SUCKLING, which...well...sucked. 1

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