PLOT-A pair of bookstore clerks working the "graveyard" shift deal with a homeless man, their asshole boss, and supernatural goings-on.
VIOLENCE-One man is shot in the neck (with very gory results), and another has his head bashed in with a coffee can.
WHY I WATCHED IT-I missed this at the 2003 Fright Fest, and was really keen on checking it out.
THE DOPE-Anyone who's ever worked a shitty cash register job, particularly one with odd hours, knows just how stir crazy you can get, and how weird things always seem to happen. While certainly a funny film, Kevin Smith's CLERKS spoke to a specific portion of the population (myself included) that knew exactly how fucked up that type of job is, and appreciated it on a whole different level than most. Ed Brisson's GRAVEYARD is a short film that deals with similar elements, but goes a step further by adding elements of Lovecraftian horror to the wackiness (as if the graveyard shift wasn't bad enough on its own). I liked this movie because it's not a "horror comedy", it's a comedy with horrific moments, which works a lot better and is less likely to fall flat and seem stupid (like a lot of stuff I've seen in the past). I was really caught off guard several times watching this clever flick, which also boasts some amazing special effects makeup and features great banter between the co-workers. GRAVEYARD is a cool little movie with a wonderfully twisted sense of humor, definitely one of the most well-produced short films I've ever seen.
MEMORABLE SCENES-After having listened to the commentary track, I found out that the actor playing the robber was actually drunk when his scene was filmed! Having that information, his performance is even more enjoyable to the audience.
NOTES-The DVD of GRAVEYARD is available through and has a slew of extra features that make it well worth buying. Besides the title short (with commentary), the disc contains another brilliant short called LIVING WITH THE DEAD. If you're a fan of horrific humor in the style of AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON, you'll flip for this one, as I did. It's hilarious, and the ending will have you on the floor (also w/ commentary). Another short, FILM #3, has a very brief running time, but packs a great punch with a snap ending you won't soon forget. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Ed definitely has a style all his own, clearly influenced by some of my absolute favorite stuff. Highly recommended.

(October 2003)

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