PLOT-The tale of Eroticus, a general who becomes a slave and ends up competing in the "Lesbian Games" in ancient Rome.
VIOLENCE-In the battle scenes, people are stabbed and limbs are hacked off. Please note that this is a comedy and the effects are intentionally bad.
SEX/NUDITY-The main character is topless and/or butt naked pretty much the whole movie. All but one of the female characters in the film are shown nude and having softcore sex with each other, from one-on-one to a seven-way orgy.
WHY I LIKED IT-I have enjoyed all the "erotic parodies" John Bacchus has made so far, and his star Darian Caine is so great to watch. She's very funny and energetic both on and off camera. This one, however, is his most ambitious project yet. Instead of shooting on video, GLADIATOR EROTICUS was made using actual film (its look and feel reminded me of CANNIBAL! THE MUSICAL), which seems to elevate it in terms of quality. As a result, though, mostly all the sound has been looped. For some unexplained reason, Darian Caine (who plays the title character) has her voice dubbed in by another actress who sounds totally different. As a fan, I found this really funny, so I hope that's what they intended. The movie itself is great, especially the "lesbian fighting" stuff. Apparently all you have to do to win in the competition is be the first to touch somebody's breast or lick them somehow. Definitely a funny idea. If you're a fan of the other Seduction Cinema titles, you will notice that just about everybody who's ever been in those movies appears in this one. The cast is big, fitting for such a large production.
DOWNSIDE-Because of a lack of male actors (?), the same guys play several parts, which at times gets confusing. It's funny, because on the flipside, they jam as many girls as possible into the sex scenes. I had a tough time keeping track of whose ass was whose, and how many girls I was watching have sex at one time. How do they do it?
MEMORABLE SCENES-General Eroticus (Caine) talks about her homeland of Lesbia, and how she longs to return so she can "listen to the sounds of Etheridge, laugh at Ellen, and watch Xena."
DVD NOTES-This disc features a "making of" segment that lasts about 15 or 20 minutes, and very brief interviews with stars Misty Mundae and Debbie Rochon. Curiously absent are the usual "Trailer Vaults", which have grown pretty expansive on previous Seduction Cinema discs.

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