PLOT-A young mad scientist re-builds his dead girlfriend using the body parts of prostitutes. It's a comedy.
VIOLENCE-Quite a lot, but all played for laughs. Although we do not see Dr. Jeffrey's girlfriend chopped up by the runaway remote-controlled lawnmower, her blood is spattered all over a lawn gnome. Later, when the hookers smoke the super-crack, they all explode. However, no blood or guts are shown. Just fake limbs and heads everywhere. That makes up a lot of the movie, actually. A character is beheaded with a machete in one scene.
SEX/NUDITY-Hoo doggies! I happen to own the UNRATED version, which has considerably more naked hooker shots than the version that has played on cable over the years. There's no sex, unless you count the two hookers that go nuts from the super-crack and begin kissing (right before they explode). Basically, there are so many breasts in your face in this movie that you will grow numb to seeing them by the end.
WHY I LIKED IT-This movie embodies all the things that make a good B-movie. All the acting is over-the-top and crazy, and it's very well-paced. It's one of the most creative films of its kind: The story is fantastic, the costumes and makeup are all memorable, and it's actually funny where it means to be. Living up to a title like FRANKENHOOKER is a tall order, but this one pulled it off without a hitch.
DOWNSIDE-The special effects are piss-poor, as you might expect from such a low-budgeter. When I see them, I don't laugh or groan, I just ignore the ragged edges. Other than that, the movie is damn near perfect.
MEMORABLE SCENES-There are hundreds, but my absolute favorites are the ones with Zorro The Pimp, the best character (and the villain, although he's somewhat justified in his actions). Almost all his dialogue is excellent, and is made all the better due to his delivery. At one point, someone says to him: "When a man loses his ho's, he loses everything", to which Zorro replies: "I didn't lose 'em they just blew up!"
NOTES-As I said earlier, there are UNRATED and R versions of this movie. As far as I know, the R is just missing some of the more gratuitous nudity.

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