PLOT-Two nerdy college girls make a pact with Phil The Demon in order to become beautiful sluts.
VIOLENCE-A heart gets ripped out, a throat is cut, and a woman's head is impaled on a penis.
SEX/NUDITY-A few comedic sex scenes, two with a topless girl.
WHY I LIKED IT-God damn, where to begin? I was blown away by this movie, and watched it at least 3 times the day I got it. The thing's only 47 minutes long, but is so well-paced and original, full of awesome performances and hilarious dialogue. It fucking rocks, and it's an ultra low-budget video production that looks to have been shot by a bunch of friends in their apartment. Oh, and it stars Debbie Rochon, the #1 greatest actor working in the realm of independent film today. Just thought I'd mention that. She is brilliant as a nerdy chick, definitely a role I have never seen her in, but proving once again why she's the best there is. This is the kind of movie that you wanna show off to all your friends, it's the kind of movie you want to memorize dialogue to. It's the kind of movie that would inspire you to go and try making your own. My praise goes out to director Chris Seaver and all his cast and crew. You guys made a kick-buttocks movie. Word.
DOWNSIDE-There are two scenes where characters sing TENACIOUS D songs almost in their entirety. Film and pop culture references are all throughout FILTHY McNASTY, and they're all funny. But for some reason I was put off by their usage of the D's music. I think it's because it throws off the balance of the filmmakers' steady flow of original humor. The shit is already funny, I wish they hadn't used someone else's (old) jokes. The demon also says "snoogans" at one point.
MEMORABLE SCENES-A guy is caught masturbating in the bathroom, using his own doo doo as lubrication. Talk about "jack shit".
NOTES-This movie is a "special feature" on the Tempe DVD release of DEAD AND ROTTING, which also stars the ridiculously talented Debbie Rochon. Order FILTY McNASTY and other movies by Chris Seaver at the Low Budget Pictures site.

(November 2002)

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