PLOT-A bored housewife is seduced by a lesbian ghost while her miserable husband endures hell at his job.
VIOLENCE-One guy shoots someone a bunch of times, but no blood is shown.
SEX/NUDITY-Tons of softcore lesbian action as the main actress gets butt naked with several different girls throughout the film.
WHY I LIKED IT-John Bacchus & Seduction Cinema are mostly known for their fantastic "erotic parodies", but THE EROTIC GHOST is a big departure from their usual formula. It flows like a real movie, contains both dramatic and comedic elements, has an original story, and yet still delivers the requisite lesbian sex. Darain Caine is awesome as the housewife, showing a much broader acting range than we're used to seeing (and usually she's incredible anyway). Bacchus plays her husband, and his character & subplot are very engaging and enjoyable on their own merit. A couple scenes with him are inspired by TAXI DRIVER and JOE VS THE VOLCANO, which I found very cool. This movie is well-paced, funny, and highly enjoyable. It's not only one of the finest movies Seduction has produced, but one of the best independent features I've seen in a long time.
DOWNSIDE-My problem with this movie is the same one I always have with John Bacchus movies. The women he uses are great actors, but most of them are covered in tattoos. It just takes away from the character. I just don't think a bored housewife is going to have a bunch of tattoos, but maybe that's just me. Doesn't seem realistic. If I were the one making these films, I'd at least cover them up with makeup.
MEMORABLE SCENES-All the scenes between Darain Caine as the wife and John Bacchus as the husband are extremely entertaining. He yawns a lot, says things like, "what're you going to do today?", which she follows with, "I don't know, maybe do the dishes, wash clothes, hang myself...", to which he replies, "Oh, that's nice".
NOTES-The DVD is a bit more expensive than the other Seduction Cinema discs, but since it's a great movie and has good extras I didn't mind (it's still cheaper than most DVDs). It contains tons of behind-the-scenes footage (at least 30 minutes worth) and some brief interviews with the main actors.

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