PLOT-A priest finds out the antichrist will be born on Christmas, and sets about doing evil things so as to bring the devil to his city. Then, of course, he'll kill the antichrist.
WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH IT-I liked the concept, the characters, and the script very much. Here you've got this little priest who's stealing occult books and keying cars, trying to be evil so as to attract the devil. He recruits a scary-looking heavy metal guy to help him out, since the man "follows satan". Director Alex de la Iglesia also made DANCE WITH THE DEVIL, which is better. However, he creates a kind of atmosphere in which anything can happen, and that's what I enjoyed most about this movie. You keep watching to see what the characters will do next, as things get more and more out of hand. Plus, it was pretty violent.
MEMORABLE SCENES-The priest is presented with the task of obtaining the blood of a virgin (to aid in a satanic ritual). He asks a woman up-front if she's a virgin, knocks her out, and uses a syringe to draw some blood. The girl's mother then chases him with a shotgun, and he pushes her down the stairs.
NOTES-The version I watched was dubbed in English from the original Spanish.

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