PLOT-Six people, who live in the same neighborhood, each have a weird fetish that they hide from the world.
WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH IT-Czech animator Jan Svanjmajer possesses one of the most unique and twisted minds in the world of filmmaking. If you've never seen what he does, you'll just have to seek it out yourself, because words cannot describe the images he creates. Although this film has more live action than his previous work, it is by far the strangest and most incomprehensible. The people it chronicles do totally bizarre stuff behind closed doors, showing the audience that we all have a freak inside us. To make things even more interesting, there's no dialogue or narration in the movie. However, because of the sex-related theme and all the cool animation, it never gets too artsy-fartsy or boring. Definitely a treat for the eyes, and a very original piece of work.
MEMORABLE SCENES-One woman rolls bits of bread into little balls, which she goes home and snorts through red rubber tubes. She pours some in her ears too, the plugs up the orifices with one bread ball each while she sleeps. Then, in the morning, she empties them all out of her head and into a bedpan.
NOTES-After the movie, there's a short film on the tape called FOOD, also with animation by Svankmajer. It's hilarious, featuring human vending machines, people that eat their own clothes, and cannibalism. If for no other reason, rent the tape to see this segment. Really freaky shit.

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