PLOT-Four huge-breasted sorority girls got lost in the woods searching for the legendary BARE WENCH. A week later, their footage was found...
VIOLENCE-None, but we do get an up-close glimpse of one girl's scars from her breast implants. Now that's some real terror!
SEX/NUDITY-The lead actresses spend the entire film in various states of undress. The closer they get to the "Bare Wench", the hornier they become, which leads to several lesbian-type scenes. The only way to keep the evil away is to go topless, incase you didn't know.
WHY I LIKED IT-This is one of the coolest movies ever! A direct parody of the hit film BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, it's everything that sorry sack wished it could've been. Definitely a more satisfying movie-watching experience, WENCH was shot on videotape and features such B-movie actresses as Julie K. Smith and Nikki Fritz. Not only does this movie look and feel just like the original (there was no script or budget), but several of the scenes are duplicated exactly, from begining to end. It's well-acted and believable, eye-poppingly sexy, and is truly funny. I give props to everyone who was in this, they were awesome. Director Jim Wynorski proves once again that he knows what the audience wants.
DOWNSIDE-The movie is short, clocking in at just a little over 60 minutes. Too bad it wasn't 3 hours long...or better yet, 14 hours long. Damn those camcorder batteries.
MEMORABLE SCENES-Difficult to choose, as each moment was memorable. Unlike the original, we actually get to see the "witch" in this one. She's played by none other than Julie Strain (in a blonde wig), and she makes out with two of the girls at once! I ask you, could it possibly get any better?
NOTES-The real version of this film runs 81 minutes, so be careful of any trimmed videos. The DVD cost me $9.99 and has absolutely no extras.

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