BAISE-MOI (a.k.a. RAPE ME, a.k.a. FUCK ME)
PLOT-Two prostitutes go on a road trip, screwing, robbing, and killing people at random.
VIOLENCE-A couple rapes are graphically shown (complete with penetration shots and bloody beatings), and several people are shot, resulting in lots of blood spraying everywhere.
SEX/NUDITY-The 2 main characters have sex several times in the movie, complete with full nudity and hardcore penetration shots (oral sex included).
WHY I LIKED IT-It's been a long time since there was a rape/revenge film that was this intense. And fittingly, BAISE-MOI joins films like I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE and MS. 45 in the ranks of controversial women-on-a-violent-rampage movies (it was banned in France. How the hell do you get banned in France?). Upping the stakes even higher, BAISE-MOI incorporates hardcore penetration shots into its sex scenes (it was made by porno filmmakers and stars porn actors), but doesn't skimp on the graphic violence either. The result is one groundbreaking movie, something I hope we see more of in years to come. Critics around the worl have dissed BAISE-MOI for being sick, pornographic, or exploitational. I disagree. I think the film is brave, uncompromising, and very well made. The premise alone makes it worth watching, and the film really makes you think about double standards and role reversals. Is the idea of women taking power back, being sexually aggressive, and killing mercilessly such a frightening concept? Apparently so. Now if we could just find someone to buy the film A GUN FOR JENNIFER, we'd be making even more progress!!! My utmost respect to everyone involved in making BAISE-MOI. Definitely an unforgettable and highly important piece of work indeed.
DOWNSIDE-The film is only 77 minutes long, although it manages to make adequate use of such a short running time. I was left confused about who was who, why they were doing what they did, and sometimes what the hell was happening. Add to that the fact that the film is in French w/ english subtitles, and sometimes things get a bit gray. Also, the DVD extras give us absolutely NO insight into the people who made the movie. All it has are some reviews of the film, a trailer, and a photo gallery. There wasn't even an insert in the case. But I guess I'm just lucky to have seen the film at all, given its highly controversial content!
MEMORABLE SCENES-When a man on the street yells at the main characters, "Hey baby! Wanna feel my balls slapping against you ass?", one of the women walks right past him, followed by the other woman SHOOTING HIM DEAD. Now, in real life, this is of course very wrong and fucked up. But anyone who says they haven't wanted to kill a motherfucker like that would be lying their ass off.
NOTES-Again, this movie is in French with english subtitles. I paid $27 for the DVD, and there aren't any "making-of" or commentary tracks or any special extras included. Just the stuff I mentioned earlier. Visit The Official Baise-Moi Website for more insight into this film.

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