PLOT-A bikini model takes an experimental beauty drug that turnes her into a 60-foot tall giant.
VIOLENCE-None, but there's a bit of cat-fighting near the end.
SEX/NUDITY-There's many topless scenes as we're dealing with a story about bikini centerfolds. Of course, when the girl is first shown 60 feet tall, she is completely naked.
WHY I LIKED IT-Let's face facts: this movie begged to be made. There have been a couple of movies where a woman grows to giant size, but they never show her naked. Duh! That's the first thing a man thinks about when he sees a movie like that! Delivering the goods is director Fred Olen Ray, and you can bet he also gives us some great characters and wonderfully bad jokes as well. Jay Richardson is his usual hilarious self as a Hugh Hefner-type character, complete with pipe and robe.
DOWNSIDE-Michelle Bauer has a small part as a scientist, and is shown on and off in comic scenes as she and other doctors chase down a giant hamster. Putting her in the movie almost ruined it for me, because she should've played the 60-foot centerfold! Come on, guys. JJ North was good, but Michelle is the all-time queen.
MEMORABLE SCENES-A couple guys bring the giant girl what looks like a huge silver vibrator. She says, "what is that!", as they take it apart to reveal a giant lipstick tube.
NOTES-B-actress Nikki Fritz and B-director Jim Wynorski both have cameos in the film.

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