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Here you can see a good view of the air cleaner on top.  Carving out this hole was the hardest part, Nakamichi built their stereos out of some HEAVY steel back in 1977
  For example; the top front panel which reads SYSTEM ONE is a full quarter of an inch thick, solid steel.  No aluminum or plastic in the entire casing.   The entire stereo, assembled, wheighs as much as a full size refrigerator
In this shot you can see the aluminum ducting coming down behind the screen on the left
The main compartment is lined with very LARGE EL lamps I stole from a place I worked.
Both screens showing here.
Two-Fisted Tales of the Desert!
This week:  Riding Shotgun With Osama
Osama, drunk as a filthy son of an irish whore, makes a joke about Madonna and  The Pope, and this is the look of surprise on his face right after I nail his dirty, raghead nuts with a sock packed  fulla  bud cans!
My close, personal friend, Osama Bin Laden, jacks a twelve pack from the local Quickee-Mart
We make it back to the desert with the booze intact, and proceed to get hammered
Then I pissed in his face, screaming "Don't you never forget 9/11 you pole smokin' puppy-raper" while strains of Hendrix's "Sperm-Spattered Banner" droned  in my head!
I'd feel bad about it, but later when I woke up, Osama said I had passed out drunk in the sun and imagined the whole thing
I spit on him as he writhed in pain there in the hot desert sand, and I said " I banged your sister for breakfast tough-guy",
adding insult to injury
(or, toungueing over your old testicles, Al-Quaida)
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