A Bat Flies In My Window!
A Retrospective
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It all started when a BAT flew in my window, (I'm still not sure how,since both the screens were closed and the fan was running) and proceeded to flit about the room in a most surreptitious manner.    at least it seemed that way to me, because I couldn't hear him at all, they really do that stealth thing well.  At first I thought he was an extremely large moth because he was so quiet and I ignored him, until he flew in front me, in the 3 ft. space between my face and the monitor.  Not a sound, I could feel the wind from his wings, but perfect silence from him.  (of course the fan was on too)
So I got out the camera and followed him around the room, managing to snap a few pics, (I didn't think this camera was that good, but now I love it)
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  After swooping about for a bit, he clung to a peeling piece of ceiling paint and seemed to take a nap for a bit, so I shot some video of that, ( he was so cute when he was sleeping!)
then I went back to fooling about online at pimprig.com.

  Later, he got restless and started flying around the room, again passing inches from my face.  Didn't seem to be shy of humans at all.  I guess I had some choice insects in my bedroom.
Eventually he found the window I had opened for him, and left me without so much as a goodbye.
  I will miss him dearly, as well as the bug murdering service he provided.
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