Baptism:� What In the World For?
Great Theologians
About 1270, THOMAS AQUINAS - CATHOLIC:  "As the Apostle says (Rm. 6:3), 'all we, who are baptized in Christ Jesus, are baptized in His death.'  And further on he concludes (Rm. 6:11):  'So do you also reckon that you are dead to sin, but alive unto God in Christ Jesus our Lord.'  Hence it is clear that by Baptism man dies unto the oldness of sin, and begins to live unto the newness of grace.  But every sin belongs to the primitive oldness.  Consequently every sin is taken away by Baptism."  (Summa Theologica, Tertia Pars)
About 1550, JOHN CALVIN - REFORMED CHURCHES:  "Baptism resembles a legal instrument...for he commands all who believe to be baptized for the remission of their sins.� Therefore, those who have imagined that baptism is nothing more than a mark or sign by which we profess our religion before men...have not considered that which was the principal thing in baptism - which is, that we ought to receive it with this promise, 'He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved' (Institutions, Book 4, Chap. 15, paragraph 1).
About 1700, MATTHEW HENRY - PRESBYTERIAN:� "First, they must admit disciples by the sacred rite of baptism....Baptism is an oath of abjuration, by which we renounce the world and the flesh as rivals with God for the throne in our hearts....In baptism we take Christ to be our Prophet, Priest and King, and give up ourselves to be taught and saved and ruled by him....Disciples, all baptized Christians....In the latter clause baptism is omitted because it is not simply the want of baptism, but the contemptuous neglect of it which makes men guilty of damnation"  (COMMENTARY, Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16).
About 1750 - GEORGE WHITEFIELD - METHODIST (Commentary, John 3:5, Vol. 4, pg. 302, 355).  [1]
...."He who persists in this act of rebellion against the authority of Christ will never belong to his kingdom....Does not this verse urge the absolute necessity of water baptism?� Yes: when it may be had.� But how God will deal with persons unbaptized we cannot tell"
About 1775 - JOHN WESLEY - METHODIST:� "Buried with him in baptism...alluding to the ancient manner of baptizing by immersion...."  [2] By baptism we enter into covenant with God....made members of Christ; made the Children of God.� By water, as the means, the water of baptism, we are regenerated or born again" (Commentary on the New Testament, pg. 350 and Preservative, pg. 146-150). [3]
About 1800 - ADAM CLARK - METHODIST - "Undoubtedly the Apostle here means baptism...Baptism is only a sign, and therefore should never be separated from the thing signified....It is a rite commanded by God himself and therefore the thing signified should never be expected without it" (Commentary, John 3:5 and Titus 3:5).  [4]
1864 and 1881, CHARLES SPURGEON - BAPTIST [Note changes in outlook between those 17 years]:� [1864] "Do we who baptize in the name of the sacred Trinity as others do, do we find that baptism regenerates?� We do not....Baptism does not save the soul....the preaching of it has a wrong and evil influence upon men....most atrocious that in a Protestant Church there should be found those who swear that baptism saves the soul....He has no right to be baptized until he is saved.... "  [1881] "They had faith, and a glimmer of knowledge sufficient to make them right recipients of baptism....He who has been baptized into Christ sees Christ in baptism....our representative union with Christ....we were thus buried with him....Baptism is an acknowledgment of our own death in Christ....You are brought up again from the pit of corruption unto newness of life....now you have been dead and buried and have come forth into newness of life....baptism represents resurrection....this life is entirely new" (Sermons in the Metropolitan Pulpit, London, Sermon No. 573 1864, Sermon No. 1627 in 1881).
����������� ����������� Thank you, Jesus, for all you did to save me.� You left heaven for earth.� You left protection to walk alone.� Finally you left life for death.� Sin causes a chain reaction that only a miracle can stop.� So you came back to life.
����������� In happened in Korea sometime between the Korean War and the Viet Nam War.
����������� The men involved were in the American Air Force on a military base near Seoul.� These "protectors" of the Koreans had just been confined to the base for their protection because the Koreans had just started rioting they didn't think was any business of the Americans.
����������� Coincidentally, when this happened these men had gathered with missionaries from all over Korea for a religious retreat.� It certainly was a retreat - in more ways than one.� In fact, they retreated longer than they had intended.� So they took advantage of the time.� They just had more sessions of talking about the Bible and what God meant to their lives in a foreign country and away from their families.�
����������� It had an impact on all of them.� After a few days it had an especially powerful impact on one of them.� He decided he wanted to be baptized.�
����������� Well, they had a predicament.� In order to immerse the man they had to find something on the base large enough to immerse him into.� No bathtubs anywhere.� No water troughs either.� They couldn't think of anything.�
����������� Then it hit one of them.� The well.� There was an old well on base.� Full of anticipation, these hardened military men scouted out the well, threw some pebbles down it to confirm it still had water in it, then lowered some long objects into it to determine how deep the water was.� Their conclusion was that it was over six feet deep.� Plenty enough.
����������� But how to get the man down there?� This man's Air Force was not full of a bunch of dummies.� It didn't take them long to figure it out.� They would lower the man down into the well.
����������� Was he out of his mind?� It was just a baptism.� Couldn't it wait?� But he insisted he did not want to wait.� Well, then, why didn't he just let them pour some water on his head?� No, it had to be immersion.
����������� At first they considered lowering him by a rope, but he didn't want to go down there alone - not for obvious reasons, but for reasons that will be apparent in a moment.
����������� Okay.� So how far was it down to the water?� They estimated 15 feet, maybe more.� They needed volunteers.� And got them.
����������� Then the man desiring baptism sat on the side of the well, took hold of the hands of the man who would be baptizing him, the latter kneeling by the well.� When they had stretched as far down into the well as they could, a third men took hold of the second man's ankles.� Then the second man started slowly down into the well.� No water yet.� So a fourth man took hold of the ankles of the third man.
����������� Someone yelled from down in the dark well.� "I've reached the water!� It's up to my waist!"
����������� Then something holy happened.� From down in the old well, the men could hear the words, "I believe Jesus is the Son of God!"� It echoed up through the well, swirled around the hearts of the men, and then rushed beyond to the soul of Jesus.
����������� A pause.� Then the echo again. "I now baptize you...."� Baptize you?� In a well?
����������� "....in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!"
����������� That was it.� Now for the final moment.�
����������� The man still on the ground above bent slowly down, estimating about three feet, then pulled himself back up with the aid of his buddies.� One by one, then, each man was pulled to the top of the well and light.� Finally they saw their new Christians friend.
����������� Grins.� Tears.� Laughter.� Hand shakes.� Bear hugs.�
����������� It was over.� But as they walked back toward their barracks to change clothes, they knew it wasn't over.� They knew everything had just begun.
����������� God, not that again.� I wish you'd made them leave this chapter out.� I get so tired of it.
Form and Substance
����������� Wasn't all that much ado about nothing?� Surely God wouldn't want people to be humiliated like this.� It's bad enough for people to be baptized in a church baptistery.� It's a little embarrassing.� Actually, not just a little embarrassing.� It's extremely embarrassing.� Mortifying.
����������� Just think about it.� We'd have to actually allow someone else to push us under water.� It's like handing our lives over to them.� What if they held us under?�
����������� Then, when we came back up out of the water, we'd be a mess.� Our clothes wet and clinging, water in our eyes, hair a holy mess.� Not a professional look at all.� Not a distinguished look.� Not a look of dignity.� All that just so someone can dunk us.� We'd look like fools.��
����������� Did you know that in our English Bibles, the word "baptism" was never translated from the original Greek?� Never.� It was transliterated.� It was anglicized.� The Greek word is "baptizo" or variations of it, depending on the sentence structure.�
����������� The word is found in the ancient Greek writings of Homer about 900 BC, Plato about 400 BC, Polybius about 100 BC, Diodorus about 40 BC, Strabo between 50 BC and 25 AD, Josephus about 75 AD, Plutarch about 120 AD, and others. �For example, Homer used it in his Iliad numerous times to describe dipping or sinking.� Polybius used it to describe the sinking of a ship.� Diodorus used it to describe animals going into water.  [5]�
����������� After baptism was introduced as part of Christianity, historical records still bear this out.� THE CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA states explicitly that the word baptism is derived from the Greek word "bapto" or "baptiso", to wash or to immerse.� It goes on to say:
����������� "The most ancient form usually employed was unquestionably immersion.� This is not only evident from the writings of the Fathers and the early rituals of both the Latin and Oriental Churches, but it can also be gathered from the Epistles of St. Paul, who speaks of baptism as a bath.� In the Latin Church [Rome], immersion seems to have prevailed until the 12th century.� After that time it is found in some places even as late as the sixteenth century." [6]
����������� The earliest archaeological evidence of a baptismal font was found at a house at Dura Europos which was remodeled as a place of Christian meeting around 233 AD and destroyed about twenty years later.� One room was set aside for baptisms.� At one end of this room was a basin under a canopy.� The basin was 5'4" long and 3'4" deep. [7]
����������� Anyone observing Medieval coats of armor and lengths of beds realizes that people were not nearly as tall then as modern people are.� This is borne out in historical documents also.� Therefore, a baptismal font 5'4" would be plenty long enough to lay a person down in the water.� And the depth would be plenty for a person to stoop until underwater also.
����������� There were no church buildings as such until the time of Constantine in the early 300s.� Constantine had originally been named Emperor/Caesar of Gaul, which we today call France.� But he wanted more, so he invaded and obtained control of other parts of Europe, concentrating most on Italy.� In Rome he built a palace with attached chapel and baptistery, considered to be the first ever church building.� They are today called the Lateran (papal) Palace, the Basilica Constantiniana, and the Fons Constantini.
����������� There is an interesting history of the baptistery architecturally, baptistery originally referring to a building where baptisms occurred.� With Constantine setting the prototype, until the 11th century, baptisteries were frequently buildings separate from but next to church buildings, and often large and ornately decorated.�
����������� Beginning about the 4th century, the entire baptistery was dome roofed.� The dome symbolized death to sin and opening up of the heavenly realm.� This led to the baptistery being built in octagon shape.� Seven was considered the number of completeness (3 + 4, heaven plus earth), and eight meaning new beginnings, "as the sacrament of baptism marks the beginning of the Christian life."� The actual font was also octagonal.
����������� The baptismal fonts themselves were pools or cisterns with edges at floor level, or built up with sides above floor level.� During the 4th and 5th centuries, fonts were large enough to accommodate several people at the same time.
����������� Between the 6th and 9th centuries baptisteries were reduced to small chapels inside larger church buildings or cathedrals.� According to the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, these chapels were small rectangular rooms with an apse (semi-circular extension) at one end which contained the actual font. [8]�
����������� In earlier temples to the gods, the apse was where the statue to a particular god or goddess was placed.� Also, the apse sometimes appeared in palaces where the king would sit and pronounce judgment.
����������� During the Middle Ages, the outside walls of the pools and basins were very ornate with symbolic and geometric motifs of imbedded marble.
����������� Baptismal fonts large enough to baptize by immersion were built until the 13th century when pouring and sprinkling began to be accepted by the Catholic Church.� Then commonly the font was just a small basin on a pedestal. [9]
����������� God, that's okay for those people.� I'm happy for them.� But it had nothing to do with me.
Gradual Changes in Form
����������� Writings of first-century Christians regarding baptism are at the end of this chapter.� In the second century we have the following, with approximate dates, and capitalizations mine:
����������� 120 AD, Egypt, Barnabas, 11:1,8,11 - "Let us inquire if the Lord was careful to make a revelation in advance concerning the water and the cross....Blessed are those who placed their hope in his cross and DESCENDED into the water....We DESCEND into the water full of sins and uncleanness, and we ascend bearing reverence in our heart and having hope in Jesus in our spirit."  [10]
����������� 130 AD, Rome, Italy, Shepherd of Hermas, Vision III.iii.3; Mandate IV.iii.1; Similitudes IX.xvi.3-6 - "Your life was saved and will be saved through water....there is no other repentance except that one when we DESCENDED into the water and received the forgiveness of our former sins....Before a man bears the name of the Son of God he is dead, but whenever he receives the seal, he puts away mortality and receives life.� The seal then is the water.� They DESCEND then into the water dead and they ASCEND alive.� The seal itself, then, was preached to them also, and they made use of it in order that they might 'enter into the kingdom of God.'...They DESCENDED therefore with them into the water and ASCENDED again.� The former went down alive and came up alive, but the latter who had fallen asleep previously went down dead but came up alive." [11]
����������� 150 AD, Rome, Italy, Justin Martyr, Apology I,61 - "As many as are persuaded and believe that the things taught and said by us are true and promise to be able to live accordingly are taught to fast, pray, and ask God for the forgiveness of past sins, while we pray and fast with them.� Then they are led by us to where there is water, and in the manner of the regeneration by which we ourselves were regenerated they are regenerated.�
����������� "For at that time they obtain for themselves the washing IN water in the name of God the Master of all and Father, and of our Savior Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.� For Christ also said, 'Unless you are regenerated, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.' " [12]
����������� 170 AD, Sardis, Turkey, Melito, On Baptism, fragment - "Are not gold, silver, copper, and iron, after being fired, baptized with water?� One in order that it may be cleansed in appearance, another in order that it may be strengthened by the DIPPING....why is Christ also not washed in the Jordan?"� [See Bible account below] [13]
����������� 180 Antioch, Turkey, Theophilus, To Autolycus II.xvi - "Moreover, the things which CAME FROM the waters [at creation of earth] were blessed by God, in order that this might be a sign that men were going to receive repentance and forgiveness of sins through water and the 'washing of regeneration,' namely all those who come to the truth and are born again, and receive blessing from God." [14]
����������� 190 Carthage, Africa, Tertullian, On Baptism 1, 7, 4, 12 - "We as little fishes, in accordance with our 'ichthys' Jesus Christ, are born IN water....Baptism itself is a bodily act, because we are baptized IN water, but it has a spiritual effect, because we are set free from sins.� There is no difference whether one is washed IN the sea or IN a pool, IN a river or a fountain, IN a reservoir or a tub, nor is there any distinction between those whom John DIPPED in the Jordan and those whom Peter DIPPED in the Tiber, unless that eunuch whom Philip DIPPED in the chance water found on their journey obtained more or less of salvation....It has assuredly been ordained that no one can attain knowledge of salvation without IMMERSION.� This comes especially from the pronouncement of the Lord, who says, 'except one be born of water he does not have life.' " [15]
����������� 195 Alexandria, Egypt, Origen, Homilies on Exodus V:5 - [in commenting on the crossing of the Red Sea speaks of Christian baptism] "The evil spirits seek to overtake you, but you DESCEND INTO the water and you escape safely; having washed away the filth of sin, you COME UP a 'new man,' ready to sing the 'new song.' " [16]
����������� In the same century that Constantine who built the first known separate baptistery and font, these early Christians wrote describing baptism as an immersion:
����������� 350 Jerusalem, Palestine, Cyril, Catechetical Lectures XCVII:14 - "For as he who PLUNGES into the waters and is baptized is SURROUNDED on all sides by the waters, so were they also baptized completely by the Spirit.� The water, however, flows around the OUTSIDE, but the spirit baptizes also the soul within completely." [17]
����������� 350 Caesarea, Palestine, Basil, On the Holy Spirit XV:35 - "How then do we become in the likeness of his death?� We were BURIED with him through baptism....How then do we accomplish the DESCENT into Hades?� We imitate the BURIAL of Christ through baptism.� For the bodies of those being baptized are as it were BURIED in water." [18]
����������� 380 Milan, Italy, Ambrose, On the Sacraments III.i.1,2 - "We discoursed yesterday on the font, the appearance of which in shape is like a TOMB, into which we are received, believing in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and we are PLUNGED and we LIFT ourselves UP, that is we are RESURRECTED....So therefore also in baptism, since it is a likeness of death, without doubt when you DIP and RISE UP there is made a likeness of the RESURRECTION." [19]
����������� 390, Antioch, Turkey, John Chrysostom, Baptismal Instructions II;26; Homilies on John XXV:2, on John 3:5 - "When the priest pronounces, 'So-and-so is baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,' he three times puts the head DOWN and RAISES it UP, preparing you to receive the DESCENT of the Spirit by this mystical initiation....Exactly as in some tomb, when we SINK our heads in water, the old man is BURIED, and as he is SUBMERGED BELOW, he is absolutely and entirely HIDDEN.� Then when we LIFT our heads UP, the new man again COMES UP." [20]
����������� Only once in the 2nd century is anything preserved of writings saying baptism did not have to be immersion, only once in the 3rd century, and only once in the 4th century.� They are as follows:
����������� 100, Syria, Didache 7 - "Concerning baptism, baptize in this way.� After you have spoken all these things, 'baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,' IN running water.� If you do not have running water, baptized in other water.� If you are not able in cold, then in warm.� If you do not have either, pour out water three times on the head 'in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.'� Before the baptism the one baptizing and the one being baptized are to fast, and any others who are able.� command the one being baptized to fast before hand a day or two" [Notice the person is standing IN water and then water is poured over the head.] [21]
250, Carthage, Africa, Cyprian, Epistle 75 [69]:12 - "You have asked also, what I thought concerning those who obtain God's grace in sickness and weakness, whether they are to be accounted legitimate Christians, because they are not washed with the water of salvation but have it poured on them....In the sacraments of salvation, when necessity compels, and God bestows his mercy, the divine abridgements confer the whole benefit on believers, nor ought any one to be troubled that sick persons seem to be sprinkled or poured upon when they obtain the Lord's grace....Whence it appears that the sprinkling also of water holds equally with the washing of salvation."� [Notice this was in case of "sickness and weakness." [22]
320 Caesarea, Palestine, Eusebius, Church History VI.xliii.14, quoting a letter from Cornelius of Rome, Italy, 251-253 - "[Novatian] fell seriously ill and was thought to be about to die.� In the bed itself on which he was lying he received grace by water being poured around over him, if it is proper to say that such a one received it." [Notice, this was one instance when someone was ill.� The text goes on to state that immediately Novatian was then made a bishop of the church.� Neither was approved by the writer, Cornelius.] [23]
����������� It is obvious, then, from history that the views of pouring and sprinkling were not generally acceptable or accepted.
����������� God, they are entitled to their opinion and I'm entitled to mine.� I wish this chapter would hurry up and end.
Biblical Evidence
����������� Ultimately, however, it does not matter what people did through history.� These are given to show the slowness in a substitute form of "baptism" being developed, it being contrary to what Christians were originally taught in the scriptures by the apostles.� Ultimately, God's opinion and directions are the only ones that matter.� We are not being saved by our fellow man, but by God.� So, we do what he asks us to, grateful for the opportunity.
����������� Below are the scriptures which indicate that the person was immersed:
����������� JOHN THE BAPTIST'S FOLLOWERS, Matthew 3:6 - "Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him IN the Jordan RIVER."� Mark 1:5 - "Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him IN the Jordan RIVER." John 3:23 - "Now John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim, because there was PLENTY of WATER, and people were constantly coming to be baptized."
����������� JESUS' BAPTISM, Matthew 3:15-16 - "Jesus replied, 'Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.'� As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went UP OUT of the water.� At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dover and lighting on him."� Mark 1:9-10 - "At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John IN the Jordan [River].� As Jesus was coming UP OUT of the WATER, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove."
����������� ETHIOPIAN'S BAPTISM, Acts 8:38-39 - "And he gave orders to stop the chariot.� Then both Philip and the eunuch went DOWN INTO the WATER, and Philip baptized him.� When they came UP OUT of the WATER...."
����������� APOSTLE PAUL & "ALL OF US", Romans 6:3-5 - "Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?� We were therefore BURIED with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was RAISED from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too many live a new life.� If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his RESURRECTION."
����������� How important was it to the first Christians?� The first four books of the New Testament are the life of Christ.� The fifth book is the Acts of the Apostles which tells how they started the church and how people became Christians.� Below is a chart itemizing what each scripture says people did to become Christians under the direction of Jesus' own Apostles.�
Only those acts which are mentioned are listed.� In other words, even though we assume they all believed, if it is not listed in the verses, it is not checked off.
Scripture ���� People Heard/Read ��� Believed �� Repented Confessed ��� Baptized ��� Prayed
��� Sinner's
���� Prayer
��������� x
3,000 Jews - Jerusalem ��������� x
Acts 2:
��������� x ��������� x
��������� x
People in Samaria
Acts 8: ��������� x ��������� x
5-6, 12
Acts 8: ��������� x ��������� x ��������� x
Acts 9: Saul/Paul** ��������� x ��������� x
3-6,   17-19 (future
Acts   10:
Cornelius & Household*
1-2, 48 ��������� x
Acts   16: Lydia   & Household ��������� x ��������� x
Acts   18: Corinthians ��������� x ��������� x
1, 8
Acts   19: Ephesians ��������� x ��������� x ��������� x
Acts   22: Saul/Paul** ��������� x ��������� x
(future   apostle)
*Receiving Holy Spirit is another study.� Notice, even though he was morally upright, he still had to do something else.
**Notice, even though he had seen a vision of Jesus, he still had to do something else.
����������� Now back off from this page for a moment and look at the chart without being able to read what it says.� Something stands out.� It is the fact that only one row is completely checked off.� What is that row?� Some things were taken for granted, but the writers always emphasized one thing so that people would never take it for granted.� They were all baptized!� Isn't that amazing?
����������� God, I don't like the direction this whole thing in going in.� No one is ever going to convince me to get dunked.
Even Denominational Creeds Agree
Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism, Part Four, Articles I-IV:� "Baptism is not simply water, but it is the water comprehended in God's command [Matthew 28:19-20]....It worketh forgiveness of sins, delivers from death and the devil, and confers everlasting salvation on all who believe....the water without the Word of God is simply water and no baptism....a gracious water of life and a washing of regeneration in the Holy Ghost; as St. Paul says to Titus in the third chapter verses 5-8....It signifies that the old Adam in us is to be drowned....St. Paul, in the Epistle to the Romans, chapter 6, verse 4 says:� 'We are buried with Christ by baptism into death'.  "
Institutions, c. xvi:� "Baptism resembles a legal instrument properly attested, by which he assures us that all our sins are canceled, effaced and obliterated so that they will never appear in his sight, or come into his remembrance, or be imputed to us.� For he commands all who believe to be baptized for the remission of their sins."
Confession of Faith, Chapter xxviii, Sec. i:� "Baptism is a sacrament of the New Testament, ordained by Jesus Christ, not only for the solemn admission of the party baptized into the visible Church, but also to be to him a sign and seal of the covenant of grace, of his engrafting into Christ, of regeneration, of remission of sins, and of his giving up unto God, through Jesus Christ, to walk in newness of life."
The Larger Catechism:� "Baptism is...a sign and seal of engrafting into Christ, of remission of sins by his blood and regeneration by his Spirit."
Wesley's Commentary on the New Testament, pg. 350:� "Baptism administered to penitents is both a means and a seal of pardon.� Nor did God ordinarily in the primitive Church, bestow this upon any unless through this means."
Church Constitution, Articles XIII:� "We believe that Christian baptism is a sacrament signifying acceptance of the benefits of the atonement of Jesus Christ, to be administered to believers." [24]
����������� God, I really do love you.� You know that.� I've lived my whole life for you.� And I don't like people telling me what to do.� I've made up my mind.
I Love You, But....
����������� When we love someone, we don't try to see how much we can get by with NOT doing that they ask. �When we love someone, we do everything we can that they ask.� The only exception is if we think the request is unfair.� Do we think God bringing up baptism in the New Testament is unfair?�
����������� When we love someone, sometimes jealous outsiders try to break us up by various means, usually telling what one did or said that the other wouldn't like.� When we truly love someone and we know it is right, we don't care what other people do to break us up.� Our love will endure all outside attacks.�
����������� Yet there are pamphlets, books, sermons, articles too numerous to even begin to count explaining why we are justified in REFUSING to be baptized.� What is it about baptism that turns so many people off?� This is the only thing that the early Christians did to be saved that many of us bristle about and say, "Never!"�
����������� Why?� Even though some people love the idea, why do some people  hate it so?�
����������� Confession is only mentioned 26 times in the New Testament.� But we don't refuse to confess.
����������� Repentance is only mentioned 57 times in the New Testament.� But we don't refuse to repent.
����������� Baptism is mentioned 98 times in the New Testament.� But we refuse to be baptized.� Why?
����������� Why don't we hate confession and refuse to do that?� Why don't we hate repentance and refuse to do that?� Why is it we pick on baptism and refuse to do that?�
����������� The "sinner's prayer" is expounded by many as the only thing people need to do to be saved.� But where in the Bible is the sinner's prayer or an example of it?�
����������� Many people, when the subject of baptism is brought up, brag that they have never been baptized.� Shouldn't this be embarrassing for them to admit?� After all, Jesus was baptized.� Are they wanting us to use them as our standard or Jesus?
����������� I have known men go to church for forty years before becoming humble enough to be baptized.� I have never known of women doing this.� Baptism seems to be especially hard on men.� Men perhaps need to feel in control more than women do.� Do we not realize that once we submit to Jesus, he makes us spiritual warriors; but it doesn't happen until we are Christians?�
����������� Some time ago there were two men who had been ministers of the gospel for many years who finally decided they needed to be baptized as part of their salvation.� Of course, being ministers and used to leading things, they maintained part of that dignity by calling together all their friends to where they were going to be baptized.� Then they preached long sermons about baptism.� Then they were baptized.
����������� Justification.� That's a good word if used regarding God's use of it.� When God justifies us, he takes us as the sinners we are, and making us just in his sight.� But when the word is used regarding man's use of it, it is wrong.� When we justify, we take something we do that is unjust, and try to make it sound just.� God has the right to do this.� We do not.
����������� How do we know when we are justifying?� It is hard for us to identify our own sins.� Probably the best way is if we make a statement, then go into long discussions as to why we had to do it.� "I had to take the money under the table because...."� "I had to lie to them because...."� "I had to pretend I wasn't home because...."
����������� Applying this to biblical principles, we are justifying if we take a scripture and go into a long explanation as to why it doesn't really mean what it says.� Usually this explanation ends up giving the scripture a symbolic rather than literal meaning.
����������� For instance, some people say the water mentioned in connection with New Testament baptisms was the symbolic water of life or the water of the Word.�
����������� In that case, John baptized by a symbolic Jordan River where there was much symbolic water (John 3:23).� It was also in the symbolic Jordan River that Jesus was baptized and came up out of (Matthew 3:6, 15-16).
����������� In that case, the Ethiopian, after being taught by Philip, rode along in his chariot until he could find some symbolic water.� Then "both Philip and the eunuch went down into" the symbolic water "and Philip baptized him" (Acts 8:37-39).
����������� In that case, it was symbolic water that saved Noah when he passed through it with symbolic floods below and symbolic rains above (1 Peter 3:21-22).
����������� Other people justify themselves for not being baptized by saying that water cannot save us.� Of course the power is not in the water any more than the power was in the wooden cross Jesus was nailed to.� It is the blood of Jesus that made it possible for us to be saved.� But that wooden cross was necessary.� Why?� Because there was some magic in a wooden cross?� No. �Because that's what God chose (for reasons he does not choose to tell us).�
����������� Also water is necessary.� Why?� Because there is some magic in the water?� No.� Because that's what God chose (for reasons he does not choose to tell us.)� If God had told us we had to be buried for one second under earth in imitation of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, would we be willing to do it?� Earth could have been God's choice, but instead he chose water.� Who are we to question God and twist around the symbols he has chosen?
����������� To claim that people who are baptized are claiming there is something magic in the water is just as bad as claiming that the bread and wine of the Lord's supper is magically turned into the actual body and blood of Jesus.� You can't have one without the other, for these are the only two Christian rituals.
����������� Still other people say that baptism is a work and we are not saved by works.� True, we are not saved by works, but what are works?� They are activities that benefit another person.� We are not being baptized to help another person.�
����������� Salvation is free, but we do have to do something to receive our free gift.� God does not force it on us.� What if you went to work and told each person you work with that if they'd walk over to your desk at 6:00, you'd give them $50?� What is likely to happen?� Probably no one will come.� Why?� Because they don't believe you.� That is one of the reasons people do not receive salvation.� They do not believe God.
����������� What if the next day you told everyone again that if they'd walk over to your desk at 6:00, you'd give them $50?� The second time they probably wouldn't believe you either.� Therefore, no one would come.
����������� But what if you did this for a week and finally someone came to your desk at 6:00 to collect their $50?� Would they have worked for it?� No, it would be your free gift.� Certainly their making the trip over to your desk would not be considered work.� But that was the stipulation you laid out for them to receive their free gift of the $50.
����������� Please, God.� I've told so many people they don't need to be baptized.� Why did you have to include it in the Bible?
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Endnotes for This Page
[1].� Campbell, Alexander, Millinneal Harbinger, Extra on Baptism, October 10, 1831, pg. 44
[2].� Campbell, Alexander, Millineal Harbinger, Extra on Baptism, October 10, 1831, pg. 45
[3].� Campbell, Alexander, Millinneal Harbinger, Extra on Baptism, 1830
[4].� Ibid.
[5].� Thayer, Joseph H., Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, 1974, pg. 94
[6].� Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. II, 1967, pg. 261-262
[7].� Ferguson, Everett, Early Christians Speak, Sweet Publishing, Austin, 1971, pg. 50
[8].� Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, William Benton, Publisher, Chicago, pg. 139
[9].� Ibid, Vol. IX, pg. 529
[10].� Ferguson, pg. 33
[11].� Ibid.
[12].� Ibid, pg. 34
[13].� Ibid, pg. 34-35
[14].� Ibid, pg. 35
[15].� Ibid. pg. 36
[16].� Ibid, pg. 45
[17].� Ibid.
[18].� Ibid.
[19].� Ibid., pg. 46
[20].� Ibid.
[21].� Ibid., pg. 34
[22].� Ibid., pg. 46
[23].� Ibid.
[24]� Campbell, Alexander, Millennial Harbinger, "Extra on Baptism," Published by Editor, 1830, pg. 47-50
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