Lord's Supper or Lost Supper?
Great Theologians
About 1536 - JOHN CALVIN - REFORMED CHURCHES - "And truly this custom, which enjoins communicating once a year, is a most evident contrivance of the Devil, by whose instrumentality soever it may have been determined....Every week, at least, the table of the Lord should have been spread for christian assemblies, and the promises declared by which in partaking of it we might be spiritually fed" (Institutions Book 4, chap. 17, sect. 46; and Book 6, chap. 18, sect. 56)
About 1775 - JOHN WESLEY - METHODIST - "If we are not obliged to communicate constantly, by what argument can it be proved that we are obliged to communicate frequently?� Yeah, more than once a year?� Or once in seven years?� Or once before we die?"(106th Sermon, Vol. III, on Luke 22:19, "The Duty of Constant Communion").
About 1800 - JOHN MASON - PRESBYTERIAN - "It is evidence [Acts 20:7] not only that Christians assembled on the Lord's day for public worship, but that they did not part without commemorating his death....sacramental communion was a principal, if not the principal object of their meeting" (Letters on Frequent Communion, Edinburgh Edition of 1799, pg. 34-42) [1]
����������� Oh Jesus, you were so determined to stand by Truth no matter how angry people got.� You confronted religious leaders who persecuted you over it, and you refused to back down.� Even to the death.� What a guy!� What a God!� The God!
����������� I heard it was done out west.� I do not know if it is true.� But what I heard is that a young preacher felt as though his congregation was taking far too much for granted the Lord's Supper and the horror of Jesus' sacrifice for us.�
����������� So he brought a lamb to services, tied it up, and put it on the covered communion table.� Then, before anyone could grasp was about to happen, he raised a knife over his head and plunged it into the lamb so that it died.
����������� The congregation gaped and gasped in disbelief at the atrocity done to the innocent lamb, some also wondering what the Humane Society might do to them.
����������� The young preacher, then announced, "This is what Jesus, our Lamb of God, did for us."
����������� Perhaps it was "overkill."� But, have we gone to the other extreme?� Most people in the Christian religion world believe that having the Lord's Supper every week makes it too commonplace, that partakers begin taking it for granted.�
����������� Are they right?�
����������� Tom Sine, in his book, THE MUSTARD SEED CONSPIRACY, says, "I believe the Lord's Supper is the very center of worship....Those of us who are from sermon-centered backgrounds could profit from moving the pulpit over a bit and restoring communion and prayer to the center of our common life.� We have so much to learn from the liturgical churches regarding the awesomeness of worshiping the Almighty....need to learn to worship the Lord in the beauty of silence." [2]
����������� Jesus said in all the gospels that the Lord's Supper was to be kept to "do this in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19, etc. and also 1 Corinthians 11:23-26).� He said the bread represented his body given for the world of sinners.� The wine represented the New Testament put into effect by the loss of his blood and hence his life.� So, we have two things to reflect on as we partake of the Lord's Supper.
����������� God, I look forward to Easter every year.� What Jesus did for us all on that day so long ago, is so special.� It demands everything special I can dedicate on that day.� Thank you, Jesus.
Jesus' Body Torture for Us
����������� When we partake of the Lord's Supper, we recall his terrible crucifixion where his body was broken by the nails and his blood poured out.� How could we ever take that for granted?� Let us allow our minds to go back to that horrible and wonderful day........
����������� .....The hammer falls and the first cruel blow sends the pain shooting up Jesus' arms, racing through his body, and exploding in his head.
����������� "Aggghhhh...gh....gh...gh...."
����������� "Oh, Father.� Help me," he cries out deep in his soul.
����������� Jesus instinctively reaches with his free hand for the punctured one, but another soldier grabs it and pulls it back out of the way.� Another brutal blow falls on his quivering flesh.� Trembling fingers strain to fold down in an impossible attempt to grasp the spike and remove it.
����������� "Aggghhhh!"
����������� Finally, with two contemptible spikes piercing his arteries and torturing his ever-weakening body, Jesus is forced to stand.� He nearly faints.� Two soldiers support the beam, keeping Jesus from falling backward.� They back him up to the tall upright beam darkened with the blood of countless other victims of justice.
����������� With each step his flesh is torn and the punctures in his mutilated wrists stretch larger.� They go slowly so that his wrists do not go back through the spikes and free themselves.� Still the torture.� His muscles cramp and fiery pain shoots helter skelter through every inch of his body.
����������� Once there, two more soldiers on ladders lift up Jesus' crossbeam a few tormenting inches to wedge it into the cut-out section of the upright beam.
����������� "Aggghhhh....gh....gh...."
����������� The two beams are secured together.
����������� Jesus' entire weight is now supported by two thin tearing spikes and the bones at the bottom of his hands.� He writhes in agony.� In his wildest imagination, he had not anticipated such torment.� Such horrible, hideous pain.
����������� The soldier now kneels on the ground before Jesus.� He takes the victim's left foot and places it over the right foot.� Jesus, preoccupied with the pain in his upper body, is not yet aware of what they are about to do to him next.
����������� A larger and much longer spike is handed to the soldier.� Once more with the hammer.
����������� "Aggghhhh....gh....gh...."
����������� With three skillful blows the spike is sent mercilessly shooting through the top and arch of one foot, then the top and heel of the other foot, and finally into the upright beam.
����������� The pain shoots like fiery arrows through every nerve in Jesus' body. �He shudders in agony.� The cold spikes hold on, refusing any help, defying any relief.
����������� Jesus is temporarily oblivious of any voices around him, for the trauma seizes all thoughts.
����������� Another soldier climbs on one of the ladders at the side up to the top of the beam.� His hammer has one last job.� The sign declaring the felon's crime is nailed to the top of the cross over the Savior's head.� Each blow of the hammer shakes the entire structure and sends shock waves through Jesus' body.
����������� Suddenly, without warning, Jesus' lungs beg for air, for now he cannot get his next breath.� He gasps and struggles for oxygen.
����������� "Uhhhcgk....� Uhhhhcgk....� Uhhhhcgk...."
����������� Blood gushes out in mocking pulsating rhythm from the half severed arteries in his wrists and feet, almost as if from the nails themselves.� Most of it spills to the ground, but some of it streams treacherously across his arms as if in search of something.
����������� "Father!"� He groans and lifts his head toward the heavens.� But a sharp pain again shoots through his body.� He jerks, and for a moment stiffens, then slowly gives over to a spasmatic twisting, twisting, twisting.
����������� "Father!" he pleads, "give them," his voice choked and broken, "a full pardon...."
����������� Jesus' head falls forward.� His eyes fill with tears of agony.
����������� "They don't realize," he chokes, "what they've done...."
����������� Oh, Jesus.� Your death.� It was so terrible.� I didn't deserve all you did for me.�
Jesus' Soul Torture for Us
����������� His terrible death is not all we must think about during the Lord's Supper.� We must think about the reason he had to go through it.� That reason was us.� That reason was our own sins.
����������� During the Lord's Supper, we must remember the Old Testament (old covenant) of Moses where forgiveness of sins was impossible.� We were supposed to keep it perfectly for salvation and we couldn't do it (Romans 3:23).� It only takes one sin to make us sinners (James 2:10).�
����������� True, the Old Testament (old covenant) allowed for sacrifices, but they couldn't take away our sins (Hebrews 10:4-11).� Creating a New Testament (new covenant) and putting it into effect required that the testator die (Hebrews 8:13; 9:16f).�
����������� Look at what Jesus rescued us from!� Try reading through some of the 600 laws in the Law of Moses (that's the indomitable Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy that few of us have ever plodded through!) to see what Jesus saved us from.�
����������� And ultimately, what Jesus really saved us from was hell.� Biblical accounts of hell are in Luke 16:22-31, Revelation 9:1-6, Revelation 16, Revelation 20:11-15 and 21:8.� Ever read it?� Is it fun to read about?� How about spending eternity there?� Oh, Jesus, you loved us so.
����������� But there's even more.� Many thousands had been crucified before Jesus and would be afterwards.� And yet Hebrews 5:7 says, "During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions WITH LOUD CRIES AND TEARS to the one who could save him from death."� Jesus was conqueror of the ages.� Jesus had already conquered storms and leprosy and even death itself.� What was it that he had not yet faced that he was so terrified of?�
����������� Jesus knew he would be temporarily forsaken by God.� How and why?
����������� Look, now at Acts 2:27 ~  "Because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay."
����������� Many think that this verse refers merely to Jesus' body.� But in the original Greek, "grave" is "hadas," sometimes also translated "hades."� According to THAYER'S GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, "hadas" literally means unseen.� In Greek classical literature of that period, it referred to the lower regions where Pluto reigned, or the netherworld, the realm of the dead, not someone's cemetery plot six feet under.
����������� The Septuagint was the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament completed two centuries before Christ and accepted as authentic by all Jews.� The Septuagint used the word "hadas" in Job 10:21 and Job 11:8 as the place of no return, the land of gloom and deep shadow.
����������� The word was used by Jesus in Matthew 11:23f and Luke 10:15 saying that the citizens of Capernaum will go down to hades on the day of judgment for not believing Jesus was the Son of God.� He was not referring to six feet under, the grave.
����������� The word was used by Jesus in Luke 16:23 to explain where Lazarus was in torment.� Jesus also used it in Matthew 16:18 to declare that its gates will not prevail against the kingdom of heaven.
����������� Both physical and spiritual death were personified in 1 Corinthians 15:55 where it is said, "'Where, O death [physical in the grave], is your victory?� Where, O death [spiritual in hell], is your sting?'"� The second death is "hadas."
����������� In Revelation 6:8, the difference in physical and spiritual death is made where the rider of the pale horse was Death [physical], and Hades [spiritual] followed close behind him.� Further, in Revelation 20:13 it explains that both those in the sea [dead bodies] and in hades [souls] were judged, then thrown into the lake of fire.�
����������� Therefore, this passage is talking, not only about Jesus' fleshly body, but also his soul.� More specifically, it seems Jesus descended to hell.� Some people believe this happened during his three days in the grave.� Evidence seems strong that it happened the last three hours on the cross during the darkness when Jesus said nothing.� A few minutes before his death, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "My God!� My God!� Why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34).
����������� Technically, death means separation.� Physical death is separation from the body.� Spiritual death is separation from God.� Romans 3:23 says the wages of sin is death.� 2 Corinthians 5:21a says, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us."
����������� For a few minutes, or perhaps during those last three hours on the cross, Jesus descended to hell in our place!� Can you just hear him?� Shouting out to Satan as he plunged to the farthest depths away from his Father?�
����������� "Punish me!� Not them!� Punish me!� I've got all their sins!� I am now them!� Punish me!� Punish me!� Not them!� Punish me...."
����������� Why?� To complete the process.� Sin deserves punishment and separation from God.� But he descended for even more than this.� It was also to get the keys.�
����������� Revelation 9:1 and 11 says that, when Satan fell, he had the keys to the Abyss - hell.� By the time Jesus appeared to John, Jesus said he now had the keys (Revelation 1:18).�
����������� No one had ever escaped from hell before.� It was an impossibility.� That is, until Jesus.� That must have been what Jesus dreaded so, not only in the Garden of Gethsemane where an angel had to be sent to encourage him, but his entire life (Hebrews 5:7).� Thousands of other people had been crucified, but no one had ever or could ever escape from hell.� Let us imagine for a moment what it might have been like if this indeed was the case (italics are only inferred words/thoughts of Jesus)......
����������� .....Punish me!� Not them!� Punish me!  [3]
����������� With the power of ultimate love, Jesus plunges with an iron will.� Resolutely, he bursts through the gates of hell where he does not belong so mankind can burst through the gates of heaven where we do not belong!
����������� The sacrificial flames leap and lunge lustily.� Good is eaten alive by Bad.�
����������� Stop the pain!� Ahhhhhhhgh!� Stop the pain!
����������� The raging fire.� Forever incinerating.� Forever blazing.� Forever the inferno.
����������� Ghosts and forever shadows.� Night.� Murky, murky night.� Terrible darkness.� Darkness that goes bump in the forever night.� � Please, someone.� Turn on a light.� So lonely.� So terribly lonely.� Isn't anyone out there?� I can't see you.� Please come closer.� Someone, please.� Anyone.
����������� I'm so cold in this darkness....� So cold....� Oh for a little relief.� I'm shaking.� I can't stop the shaking.� Please.� Someone, do something!� Teeth gnawing and grinding.� Forever exhausted from the shaking and trembling, the spasms and chilling. [4]
����������� Jesus continues falling.� Falling through the empty universe.� Through the eternal empty cosmos.� Falling....falling....falling....� Through the bottomless hole.
����������� Where is everything?� Something to stand on.� Please!� Ahhhhhhh!� No floors!� No buildings!� No ground!� Ahhhhhhh!� No earth!� Stop my falling!� Ahhhhhhh!
����������� The stench.� It engulfs his senses.� The rank, foul smell.� Forever the retching and heaving.
����������� Jesus' energies are turning from pain to anger. �Love demands anger.� Anger at sin and self-destruction.� Anger at the god of hatred who convinces people the God of Love is against them.
����������� No!� I will not allow it!�
����������� Satan is shocked at Jesus' burst of courage.
����������� You will never destroy them!� I will take the keys of hell away from you!� Jesus strains to take control.
����������� I will break out of here and save them forever!� I will no longer allow you to accuse them, Satan!� I forgave them from the cross. [5]� That means, their sins no longer exist.
����������� "But," Satan hastens to remind Jesus, "their sins is what sent you here to hell.� They're the cause of all this, you know."
����������� I forgive them too.
����������� The moment Jesus forgives the world of its sins, all the burning and falling and cold and stench and darkness is gone.� Jesus is once more strong.  [6]� And once more Jesus is the Water of Life, the Foundation of the Saved, the Wall of Salvation, the Light of the world.  [7]
����������� Satan quickly hides his eyes from Jesus' brilliance.� How he hates the light.�
����������� I have come to do the will of my father in heaven.  [8]�� Satan, hand me the keys!
����������� "You know, that so-called father of yours probably doesn't even exist."
����������� My father and I are united forever! [9]
����������� "Stop kidding yourself!� He was only a figment of your imagination.� All that power you had to perform miracles?� That was me, not him.� If you are the son of God...."
����������� Those words again.� Those doubting words:� IF....� Just like at the beginning.� If you're God's son, turn these rocks to bread....� If you're God's son, jump off a tower....� If you're God's son, come down from the cross.... [10]
����������� "IF you are the son of God, go ahead and grab the keys, but you'll never get them to work.� You can't break out of hell.� No one has ever done that."
����������� N O O O O O O ! ! ! ! ! !� Jesus is angry.
����������� "Your father, if he exists, has deserted you.� If you are the son of God, he would rescue you.� You have been forever forsaken by God."
����������� N O O O O O O ! ! ! ! !�� Jesus has had enough of Satan's lies.� His anger at Satan is now out of control.
����������� Father, where are you?� Father, I have a gift for you.� It's all the forgiven ones.� I completed my sacrifice!� And the keys!� I have the keys!  [11]
����������� Jesus races frantically through the corridors of hell.� He must escape.� For their sakes.� He must escape.� Zooming. �Looming higher and higher.� Soaring.� Faster.� Faster!� Faster!!
����������� And defiantly Jesus bursts out through the gates of hell!�
����������� ....Now, back on the cross, he says, "It is finished."
����������� Jesus, I cannot even begin to imagine your strength.� I am so weak compared with you.� You went into the prison of my soul and rescued me.� I couldn't do it alone.
Paradise Purchased
����������� Paradise (Abraham's bosom) is in the Bible as in two different places.� Before Jesus, Paradise was so close to hell that the saved could talk to the condemned.� The saved could see the condemned.�
����������� It was as though Paradise was not completely freed from Satan's control until Jesus came to finish his work.� Hebrews 9:15 says that Jesus "died as a ransom [held ransom by Satan?] to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant."� That means no person was truly saved until Jesus completed his ransoming work (read about this in Hebrews).
����������� Revelation 7:17 says God will forever wipe away the tears of all the saved.� Yet, being that close to hell, and even being able to see it and talk to people in it, would not be completely heavenly.
����������� Apparently, if indeed Jesus descended to hell, then broke out, he took paradise with him (see Ephesians 4:8-10) to heaven.� Then he returned to his body.� For in Revelation 22:2, paradise, where the tree of life is, is now in heaven.
����������� At the end of the three hours on the cross and after he shouted hysterically, "My God!� My God!� Why have you forsaken me?" he then quietly announced, "It is finished" (John 19:30) and died.� He'd accomplished everything required on his part.� Now he will rest for three days before his Father brings him back to life to return to his friends to prove he will do the same for all who believe on him.
����������� Think about this, and stand amazed.� Amazed that Jesus, who abhorred sin, became exactly what he hated ~ sin.� For himself?� No, he was already safe.� It was for you and me.
����������� Jesus and his Father spared nothing to keep us out of hell.� How can we even think of remembering his death just occasionally because it might become common place and we might take it for granted?� Take Jesus for granted?� After all he did for us?� Never!
����������� Oh God, I knew Jesus suffered on the cross.� I never understood what it mean for him to suffer for my sins.� He became me and took my punishment for me.� How could he?
Golden Silence
����������� But there is more.� More that we must think about during the Lord's Supper.� Yes, we must think of the body torture Jesus endured in our place.� Yes, we must think of the soul torture Jesus endured in our place.� We must also think of the reason he had to endure it all.� It is explained in 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.� Let's look at it progressively.
����������� First, we are told not to eat and drink the bread and cup in an unworthy manner.� This does not say we are supposed to be worthy of the bread and wine.� We are not now, and never will be.� What it does say is that our manner must be worthy.� We're to concentrate on, not rush through, the death of Jesus.� But there's even more.
����������� We are to examine ourselves before taking them.� That means we could hold the emblem in our hand for a few minutes considering what we're about to do.� Or the person of the Lord's Supper may announce a few minutes of silence to consider our sins before the ushers distribute the emblems.� It takes time to think back over the week and consider what we did each day and how we may have sinned.
����������� In verse 30, the writer explains that many are spiritually weak and sickly, and still others are completely asleep spiritually because they haven't been doing this.� Then verse thirty-one says:� "If we judged ourselves, we would not come under judgment."
����������� Yes, the Lord's Supper serves partly as a time to examine ourselves and judge what we did the past week.� This is our weekly pop quiz which we give ourselves.� As a result, the final exam given by God on the Day of Judgment isn't full of surprises, and we've been able to correct a lot of things that might have been left "on the books" so to speak.
����������� This takes time.� This means going over last Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on all week.� And if we don't know how, perhaps we need to take this time to look up a few lists of sins.� It is not the obvious sins like murder that get us.� It's what we call the little sins; either the sins of attitude, or sins resulting from poor attitude.�
����������� Is it masochistic to think of our sins like this?� Many people would think so.� Many people would arrogantly declare there is no such thing as sin.� Many of us who admit we do sin, arrogantly declare we can't think of what they are.� God helps us.� Let's look at some of the lists of sins in the New Testament:
Romans 1:29-31 lists greed, depravity, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, gossip, slander, insolence, arrogance, boastfulness, disobedient, senselessness, faithlessness, heartlessness, ruthlessness.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists sexual immorality, idolatry, adultery, prostitution, homosexuality, thievery, greed, drunkenness, slander, swindling.
Galatians 5:19-21 lists sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies.
Ephesians 4:31; 5:4f lists bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, malice, obscenity, foolish talk, coarse joking, immorality, impurity, greed.
Philippians 2:3, 14 lists selfish ambition, vain conceit, complaining, arguing.
Colossians 3:8-9 lists anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language, lying.
1 Timothy 1:9-10; 5:13; 6:3-5 lists lawbreaking, rebellion, ungodliness, unholiness, irreligion, murder, adultery, perversion, slave trading, lying, perjury, idleness, gossip, false teaching, conceit, controversial, quarrelsomeness, envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions, constant friction, robbing truth.
2 Timothy 3:2-8 lists loving self, loving money, boastfulness, pride, abusiveness, disobedience to parents, ungratefulness, unholiness, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good, treacherousness, rashness, conceit, lovers of pleasure, denying power of godliness, controlling the weak-willed, never acknowledging truth, opposing the truth, depraved of mind.
Titus 3:3, 9-11 lists foolishness, disobedience, deceit, enslaved by passions, malice, envy, hatred, foolish controversies, arguments, quarrels, divisiveness.
James 3:14-16; 4:1-3; 5:3-6 lists bitter envy, selfish ambition, boasting, denying the truth, disorder, fights, quarrels, murder, covetousness, quarrelsomeness, fighting, wrong motives, hoarding wealth, failing to pay wages, living in self-indulgence, condemning the innocent.
1 Peter 2:1; 4:3 lists malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander, debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing, idolatry.
2 Peter 2:14-19 lists adulterous eyes, seducing, greedy, boastful, lustful, enticing, slaves of depravity.
Jude 7-8, 16 lists sexual immorality, perversion, rejecting authority, slandering celestial beings, grumbling, faultfinding, boastful, flatterers.
Revelation 21:8 lists cowardliness, disbelief, vileness, murder, sexual immorality, false healing, idolatry, lying.
����������� We are also to develop plans on how we are going to try to overcome our sins.�
����������� We always were and still are so unworthy.� When we take of the Lord's Supper, our souls cannot help but fall at the feet of Jesus weeping, and whisper,
����������� "Thank you!� Thank you...."
Two Firsts
����������� But there are people who will tell us keeping the Lord's Supper monthly, quarterly or yearly is enough.� In fact, they will also say it doesn't really matter on which day we take it, suggesting that Friday, the day Jesus died, might be a good day to take it.� It could be a lot of people honestly believe there is no directive on this, but there is.
����������� There is only one directive in the New Testament telling us when and how often to keep the Lord's Supper.� But it only takes once for God to say something for it to be true.� It is found in Acts 20:7.� It mentions two firsts, two priorities.� The first first is the day of meeting.� The second first is the primary reason for meeting.�
����������� "On the FIRST day of the week we came together TO break bread."(NIV)� The original Greek reads, "En de ta mia-ton sabbaton, sunag-menon hamon klasai arton...."
����������� Let's take a brief look at a few of those Greek words, for they uncover a marvelous new world.
����������� "Ta" is a little word but with great meaning.� It is another word for "ho."� These interchangeable words are used in connection with the official affairs of state, such as THE constitution, THE governor, THE budget deficit.� In the Judeo-Christian state of affairs it is used regarding THE ten commandments, THE Savior of the world, THE sabbath.� In Acts 20:7 it refers to THE first day of the week as the official day of Christians.� Other places in the Bible Sunday is called THE Lord's Day (see Revelation 1:10).
����������� "Mia" is the feminine form of neutral "heis" and is translated one.� "Heis" is 283 times in the New Testament as one.� "Mia" is translated as first.� Even more dynamic is to discover that it refers to EACH and EVERY one WITHOUT EXCEPTION, as in Acts 2:6 where every man heard the apostles speak in their own language.
����������� Does this mean we get to keep Easter every Sunday?� You bet it does!� With all the agony propelling into ecstacy!� All the impossible zooming into reality!� All the hopelessness exploding into victory!
����������� Nothing can stop us now!� We will declare it and declare it and declare it!� Not one Sunday in the year, not one Sunday in the quarter, not one Sunday in the month, but every Sunday of every week!
����������� Are we sure of this?� Let's look at some more Greek words.� "Ton" means a certain day, a particular day, not just any day.� It never appears alone.� In Acts 20:7, it appears as "mia ton."�
����������� When "ton" is combined with "pro" to create the word "pro ton", it gives the significance of copying another first, an original first, a prototype.� "Mia ton" and "pro ton" have basically the same meanings.� Therefore, Sundays are set aside to recreate the prototype of the meaningful thing that happened on the first Sunday of significance to the Christian.
����������� So, what happened of significance to Christians on Sunday?� That question is an understatement.� What DIDN'T happen? is more like it.
����������� On Sunday, Jesus, after being dead three days, came back to life (Mark 16:9, etc.)!� On Sunday he kept the Lord's Supper with two of his disciples (Luke 24:28)!� On Sunday he appeared to his loyal apostles (Luke 24:33; and another Sunday in John 20:26-29)!� On Sunday he gave power to his Apostles to carry on his work after he leaves (John 20:21-23)!� And on Sunday, The church of Christ was born (Acts 1:20, 21)!�
����������� What more do we want to make Sunday a special day?� Oh, God created all days equally.� But Sunday became special because of what Jesus did that day, and remains special to Christians everywhere throughout all ages.
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Endnotes for this page
[1].� Campbell, Alexander, The Millennial Harbinger,"Extra on the Breaking of the Loaf," pg. 74-82
[2].� Sine, Tom, The Mustard Seed Conspiracy, Word Books, Waco, 1981, p. 167
[3]. �THE BIBLE, ISAIAH 53:4; 2 THESSALONIANS 1:8-9 - Yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down.� And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins!....Those who refuse to know God and refuse to obey the Message [what Jesus did for them] will pay for what they've done.� Eternal exile from the presence of [God] and his splendid power is their sentence.
[4].THE BIBLE, MATTHEW 8:12 [NIV] - But the subject of the kingdom will be thrown outside into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
[5].� THE BIBLE, LUKE 23:33-34 - When they got to the place called Skull Hill, they crucified him, along with the criminals, one on his right, the other on his left.� Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them; they don't know what they're doing."
[6].� THE BIBLE, MATTHEW 26:41b; 2 CORINTHIANS 12:10; 13:4 [NIV] -The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.� That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses...For when I am weak, then I am strong....He was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God's power.
[7].� THE BIBLE, JOHN 12:46 - I am Light that has come into the world so that all who believe in me won't have to stay any longer in the dark.
[8].THE BIBLE, HEBREWS 5:8 - Though he was God's Son, he learned trusting obedience by what he suffered, just as we do.
[9].THE BIBLE, JOHN 10:30 - I and the Father are one heart and mind.
[10].� THE BIBLE, MATTHEW 4:1-11 (Jesus' temptation after his baptism at the beginning of his three years of preaching.)
[11].THE BIBLE, REVELATION 1:18 - Don't fear:� I am First, I am Last, I'm Alive, I died, but I came to life, and my life is now forever.� See these keys in my hand?� They open and lock Death's doors, they open and lock Hell's gates.
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