The Hidden Urban Gnome Reserve & Sanctuary    
    Photo Use Restrictions    
  Restrictions on the usage of photos

All photos on this site are protected by international copyright laws.

You may use the photos on this site as your personal computer wallpaper.  These photos may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, cropped, resized, or otherwise altered without the written permission of the photographer.  No commercial use of these photos may be made in any way.  All rights are reserved.

You may not use these photos on any webpage, commercial or non commercial, for profit or non-profit, without the written permission of the photographer.  You may, however, link to the photos, without asking our permission, if you mention this website and provide its address where and when you do so.  We do not appreciate and react strongly when finding our photos on other sites that use them without permission.  We do not make any money selling our photos, our only form of "income" from them is your help in spreading the word about our website.  Please respect that.

Getting written permission to use these photos is very simple, just email us at [email protected].  Most photos can be emailed to you in their larger format if you have a need for a more detailed copy.

Please let us know if you have any questions.