However  sincere  you  may  be  in  your  studies,
what  happens,  when  you  come  to  a 
medical college,
is  something  like  this ....

(An Article written in 1981, while an intern at Seth G.S.Medical college, Mumbai. Things have hardly changed to date!)

I bluff            We bluff
You bluff                 You bluff
He, She, It bluffs     They bluff

If  you  think,    this  is  Grammer,
you  are  wrong.
Wrong .....  Because  It's  

At  the  end,   you   will 
all agreee  with  me.
If   you   don't,
then  you  are 

And  that's  O.K. ,   because ......
basically you are all 
Medical students,  ........
...... I 
expect you  to  bluff .....
The  shaded  area  shows -
a  gap  bounded  by  two
rigid lines.

You  can't  reduce  the  curriculum.
Neither  can  you  have  mitotic  figures  in  your  nerve  cells
So  now , 
How to  fill this  gap?

If  PARK  brothers
(Authors of The Textbook on PS&M) were  asked 
to  answer  this  question,
they  would  have   written something  like  this ......