Support: Remy Zero
Venue: Southampton Guildhall
Date: 23/3/02
  This was the furthest we had been to see a band and we had to stay in a hotel ovenight which tells you how far away it was. We got to the odd venue at one and waited outside from then onwards during which time we chatted to other Weezer fans some of them had come as far away as Jersey Island and had to fly over. The tour bus arrived about quater pass four and we were told they would come out a sign autographs which they didn't. This made a lot of fans quite angry and many of them including me were spending most of our time taking the mick out of Rivers and his beard. We did end up meeting Remy Zero and they were really nice and they chatted to us for a while until they had to go.
   When the doors opened they took our cameras off us which we thought was a load of rubbish hence there are no live pictures on the site. I managed to get to the front between Brian and Rivers and was happy as I did manage to get to the front. The venue was smaller then I expected that meant you had a better veiw of the band but meant that there was a lot of pushing and shoving to get to the front.
    Remy Zero came on and said that this was the first gig they had done with Weezer because he had been ill for the rest of the tour. They moved their way through a good set but the slow songs did tend to drag, they ended their set however with the soundtrack to a program no one watches called Smallville which was quite full of energy.
   Weezer came on after the clearing of the stage and started with a New Song 'Dope Nose' which most of us had heard on MP3's so a lot of us were singing along with it. Three 'Pinkerton' songs were in the set ' The Good Life', 'Tired Of Sex' and 'Why Bother' which were all a surprize as earlier reports said they would only do one. When the first few chords of 'Say It Ain't So' rung out the crowd went wild and it sounded great live. Then the expensive stuff started, a flashing 'W' was uncovered from the drum stand in 'Hash Pipe' and in 'Only In Dreams' there was a a lot of smoke and glitter fell from the roof. The band played well Pat drummed his heart out, Scott walked about the stage being the most active member of the band at the time, Brian smiled at the crowd and Rivers sung to best ablity at the time because he had  a sore throat. The only thing was the sound of the microphones often got covered over by the instruments. The encore was a cover song 'Happy Together' and then 'Buddy Holly' made a apperence. Now, this song presented many problems for the bouncers as there was a strictly no Crowd Surfing rule and as everyone knew that this was the last song atleast 10 people decided to crowd surf.
   After the set we left all hope of meeting the band behind and went down the road to KFC, we then walked back up past the venue as we had to go home that way and as we walked past some fans we had met earlier and they called us over. They said that Brian was on the coach and kept peeking behind the door and smiling. Eventually he came out and signed my Blue Album and had a photo with him. Then Scott walked around from the back door and said he would be back to sign stuff true to his word he came back out and signed my handout and I had a photo taken with him. It was 20 minutes till the next bit of excitiment came. During which time I saw Brian again and got him to sign my hand out. Then Karl came out (The Web Site Man) and he took a picture of us which he put on the site under the review he did. Then Pat came out and signed my hand out and Blue Album and said he wish he could have 'hooked up' with us (there was 6 of us) but he had to go to London. Rivers didn't come out because he doesn't meet fans for some reason so the coach went to get him from the back door.
   It was a great gig and I would definatly go and see them again if they played around my area even if it meant going to stay at another hotel. The other great thing was the fans were really friendly and everyone talked to us, we made some great friends and Weezer rocked.
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