Support: Rocket Science, Ed Hardcourt
Venue: Sheperds Bush Empire
Date: 30/10/02
Rocket Science were on first and made sure every minute went as slow as possible, they didn't go down too well and I really wanted to get out of there. Then Ed Hardcourt came on and he was pretty good I probably could see him for more then just the half and hour he had, his set was cut short as the bands were running behind.
This was to be the last night of the UK tour, even though the last two bands had failed to enlighten the audience Supergrass had no problem in getting the audience lively, and after a couple of seconds in to the first song the audience were jumping up and down enjoying every minute of it. The set highlights included 'Caught By The Fuzz', 'Mary' and 'Late In The Day', these were the songs that everyone knew all the words to and encourage the audience to sing along on the top of their voices. All in all it was a brilliant gig and a sign that Supergrass will be playing brilliant gigs in to their 60's.
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