Situated on the rough side of the Pier and across the road from a deserted playground ride you will find the venue known as the Brighton Concorde 2. This is where Hell Is For Heroes will be playing tonight and I for one was excited as I had missed the last couple of shows that had been at Brighton and being a 30 minute train ride away was a bonus.
After doing my bit for the animal kingdom and watching a football match involving members of tonights gig it was time to make our way inside the packed venue. Getting to the front required no effort as everyone had either rushed off to the bar or the merch stand and also most the gig goers seemed to be about the age of 14 dispite the age limit of 18 or over.
Murcury Tiltswitch were first on (I think) I can't remember much of them but I remember at the time thinking they were good although Copperpot Journals were slightly better. Definatly a breath of fresh air compared to the Tunbridge Wells support Dufuz who angered me on more then one occasion but we won't go in to that right now.
Hell Is For Heroes came on looking relaxed as always and the set was good which is the key to a good gig in my opinion. Justin was very monkey like this gig, if you had handed him a banana I'm sure he would have taken it, he was jumping on every amp and charging in to the crowd at any avaliable opportunity. I'm not saying at all that Justin in anyway looks like a monkey just his actions remind me of one. In a effort to dig myself out of the hole I have just made I will say that the band seemed at home on stage not nervous at all, maybe the amount of gigs they have played have prepared them for any problems they might have. So dispite being spat on and hurt a lot (as expected) it was a good night.
Hell Is For Heroes
Support: Mercury Tilswitch, Copperpot Journals
Venue: Brighton Concord 2
Date: 3/10/02
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