What inspires your lyrics?
my life. i'm nothing special, my emotions and expressions are basic, so
people always say they like what i write. i express what everone else does.
hate, love, anger, hedonism. maybe not in that order. and failing that,
everyone likes teen angst right?

Are you for or against downloading free music from the net?
downloading's kinda like drinking and having sex. it's great but you gotta
be responsible. in antihero we don't burn CDs of albums, but we do have
music collections on our computers. they're usually full of rarities/one off
songs or singles we've wanted to try out. downloading whole albums is wrong.
that's stealing. i'm way into "record collections" anyhow. having a big
record collection is cool. plus my pc is too shitty to download a lot of
stuff, it takes fucking ages! though i have to say downloading is an ace way
of getting into stuff. just not on my pc. it's slower than a dead pony.

What do you prefer, touring or recording?
recording can be more exciting in your head, but touring's more exciting in
your heart. at the end of a day of recording you get to have a shower, but
at the end of a day of touring you get to meet loads of people and have fun.
right now i like recording, but i think next year i'll like touring more.
things are getting better. if you're suceeding in a band, everything is fun.

If aliens came to earth and asked you if you wanted to see the universe
but you couldn't return to earth would you go?

no, i've got too much to do and see here. there's so many people i love and
so many things i love to do. plus i haven't seen our world yet. i want to
see everything. from the window of a tourbus. wait wait, it depends what the
aliens looked like and whether i would be their king or not. ha ha ha.

What is your favoutite album of the moment?
not sure about one... recently i've been listening to the Kings of
Convenience Remix record, the new QOTSA and Foo albums, "c'mon c'mon" by
Sheryl Crow, a bit of "mellon collie..", the excellent Tex La Homa and Miss
Black America albums as well as the White Stripes. kinda a mix bag. december
is sorta a rock month in my house. i wish i had some clash to listen to but
i've ever got round to buying any. i should probably just give in and buy a
"best of". ooh and green day "shenanigans" and "the holy bible" by the
manics and "drink me" queen adreenda.

If you could choose one of your songs that got you rich and famous beyond
your wildest dreams which one would it be?

we have a song called "don't trust the dj" which is the only song we've
never got sick of playing. so that one. you need one that you'll always be
happy with. then again, if i'm rich and famous beyond my wildest dreams, i
couldn't really care less.

Any tips for anyone who wants to be in a band?
go for it. if you work a regular job everyday you think about being in a
band you'll be richer than if you make it big being in a band. but think
about how fucking boring it'd be. i think we definitely need more girl rock
bands. why aren't there any?

The highlight of your career so far is........?
we came number five in john peel's festive 50 2002 last night. that was
pretty fucking cool.

what is your favourite lyric?
"tonight tonight" by the smashing pumpkins

Who would play you in Antihero, The Movie?
ben affleck has the strong hurley jawline, but josh hartnett would pip him
at the post for general aceness. and he kissed shannyn sossamon. i love her
so maybe i could get her number off him.

If you could tour with any band past or present who would it be?
the beatles the beatles the beatles.
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