Our Ladwig Heritage

"The Chickasaw County Genealogical Society would like to take the opportunity to share some guidance with you on content of personal Web Pages, as regards our living relatives.

We carried the following item in our CCGS Newsletter, Vol 2, Spring of 1998 as a service to our members.  This article is from The Forum Insider, Volume 8, No. 5, January 1998; a publication of The Genealogical
Forum of Oregon, Inc. In general, we genealogists get very caught-up in our research, striving for completeness and accuracy. In our zeal, we may become insensitive to privacy issues. Please take a moment to read the following thought provoking article.


A word of caution is necessary about invading the privacy of your living relatives by sharing genealogical data concerning them without written
permission. You may be guilty without realizing it, if you pass along genealogical databases or research notes to a third party anytime, particularly on the Internet. The living have a right to privacy.

Web pages may have personal information about you, your children and living relatives where any kook or crook can find it. Our generous nature of sharing genealogical data via GEDCOM, pedigree charts or family group sheets with others may end up on web pages. Look for your names, using any search engine.  Check GenDex and visit some commercial websites, especially those who encourage software owners of their products to contribute their GEDCOMS.

It can be a surprise to find your entire working database posted, errors and all, on another�s website. It has happened. One researcher�s material was passed on, cousin to cousin, without the compiler�s knowledge or consent.

Our caring and sharing nature makes us vulnerable. They, as we, send (handing over all of our genealogical notes) to cousins, some distant, some strangers. We need to think about the results of these actions.

Sharing is good and technology eases the process. Unfortunately, honest people are not the only users. Crooks can and do find detailed personal information about us and our living relatives. A scam artist can twist the data to "strong arm" your grandmother into relaying secrets that will open her bank account.

Your living relatives and you have the same rights to privacy and among these rights are:

To be free of highly offensive and unreasonable intrusions into a persons seclusion. The public has no legitimate interest in highly objectionable disclosure of private information.

The taking of one�s name or a likeness by another without consent.

Right to avoid false assignment of authorship or association.

Persons who see information that involves one or more of these rights may be able to seek relief through a civil lawsuit.

What is your role?

If you find information about you or your living relatives on the Internet, request the posted information be removed. Be as adamant as necessary.

We have a responsibility to ensure that family data which we post to our personal web pages has been reviewed and does not contain dates or any other sensitive detail regarding our living relatives. If you have any doubts in your mind that you have included too much information on a living person ~~ you probably have! (Just ask yourself: if this was about me, how would I feel??)"
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John and Sophia came from Germany to America to seek a new land and freedom for their children and their families.  The family has continued to grow and to prosper in this great land.  Today there are over 7 generations of this family residing across the entire North American continent.  See page one for a list of many of the family names in our group.
Provided by the courtesy of the
Descendants of
John Frederick Ladwig (1806-1897)
and wife Dorothea Sophia Pagelsdorf
As a fellow genealogist and researcher, I  found the following article to be very valuable and meaningful in our attempt to provide information about our family.  The web site was the:

located at:
Last Updated 06/21/2008
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