.:| Main |:.

Welcome to Angola! In reality, you're not actually there, but you may be able obtain enough information from this website to travel there!

This website was created by Amber Gehrke. The purpose of this website is to inform its visitors about Angola. This is a required homework assignment for Global Geography in the form of a website.

To begin viewing the information, just wave the cursor over one of the words shown to the right. Your choices are: Culture, Current, Facts, History, Main, Maps, Sources and Travel. To read the information, click on the word. If you want to return to this page, click on the word Main.

To use this site, all you need to do is follow the instructions given here. All images will have instructions under them in case you want to view a larger one. Click on the image to view it in a larger size. All links on this website will be in bold font and they will be in pink. Any links that have been visited already will be in purple.

This site may not work properly if you're using a Macintosh computer. This site can be best viewed with a 1024x768 resolution screen with Internet Explorer.

While you are here, please enjoy yourself. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can e-mail me. My name is Amber Gehrke and my e-mail is [email protected]. I would appreciate any feedback from my fellow classmates and my teacher, Mrs. Jane Ellingson.

And since I did make this site, I don't think a little self-promotion would hurt any. If you want to take a look at any of my other sites, please go right ahead. I need the extra support. Just click on one of the buttons below.

Arashi Fandom is a site dedicated to fanart and fanfiction from video games and Anime. Kohaku Shrine is my personal art site. You can find everything I've done with poetry, digital artwork and drawings.

This website was created on May 12th, 2005.
Copyright � 2005


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