

2021-01-22   10:07:59


aimg_Morse-Man.jpg a developmental   BLOG_2   for self-quoting

In my early years I took sanctuary with the Mennonites of my Virginia area, 
where I found friends who were willing to live their beliefes.
Now I associate with a church that has a special sense of mission
to feed the poor,  
counsul the alanons and narcanons , 
associate with the odd and castout, 
welcome those socially unacceptable , 
whose open minstry helps the distressed family, 
and sometimes houses the homeless.  

That is what this geeky geezer does with his last 'time'.  



page 00
CENTER   of life 

In my mind, the calendar is an agreement  ...  'time' is an illusion .
Yet, in our lifetime we interact with time as something real,
something more than the analytical tool by which we mark our 'experiences'.


We can measure our life in years ,
yet our life is more like an  "experience"
than to a fact we measure.

Here is a frame-work that comes to mind :

*** The "Center" of our being is greater than ourselves,
greater than the universe we partially measure,
greater in the sense of infinite which we cannot  measure.
*** The "Center" is the source of all that is, all we experience.
If there is a good ethic, it comes from the "Center".
Regardless of the measurements ,
if we choose goodness,
then we have choosen the positive quality of the "Center".
*** The "Center" has no past and no future.
Yesterday , Today, and Forever are in the realm of the "Center".
The "Center" is now ! and thus calls for action now,
in our measureable time.

( you may also substitute "Time" or "God" as suits your own pursuasion )

In application :
IF we are called to help others
to understand themselves,
to understand their talents,
to understand their opportunities,
THEN it must be now !

As a Personal comment :
My experience has been the joy of Discovery.
It is all I have.
This is my experience,
... to be passed on to others,
... to the betterment of our community.


Hedging Your Bets on the God Hypothesis


That sounds about right to me. Then add the other religions
and you’re probably above 80%.
Maybe as high as 90% according to other surveys I have seen.

But in the same article we see this statistic.

I’m no religious scholar,
but I thought being “very confident in the existence of a supreme being”
was a requirement for most religions in America.
But according to these statistics, assuming I am reading them right,
one can be a Christian without being 100% sold on the God part of it.

By my reckoning,
over a third of our citizens are wasting time with religions
that will doom them to eternal Hell for their doubts alone.
I might be heading there too, but at least my Sundays are free.

Am I reading the statistics wrong? I’m baffled.





I see three levels of awareness :

Faith ( moral choice ).

Opinion ( beliefe ).

Fact ( measured ).


What was John von Neumann's IQ? Was he smarter than Einstein?

Josh HillJosh Hill, A physics major, way back when

Answered 7h ago

We don’t know. But it may well have been higher than Einstein’s.

Von Neumann had all the qualities of high IQ, to an almost superhuman degree.
And yet Einstein was smarter.
As Eugene Wigener said:
I have known a great many intelligent people in my life. I knew Planck, von Laue and Heisenberg. Paul Dirac was my brother in law; Leo Szilard and Edward Teller have been among my closest friends; and Albert Einstein was a good friend, too. But none of them had a mind as quick and acute as Jansci [John] von Neumann. I have often remarked this in the presence of those men and no one ever disputed me.
... But Einstein's understanding was deeper even than von Neumann's. His mind was both more penetrating and more original than von Neumann's. And that is a very remarkable statement. Einstein took an extraordinary pleasure in invention. Two of his greatest inventions are the Special and General Theories of Relativity; and for all of Jansci's brilliance, he never produced anything as original.
I wouldn’t go so far as to deny the importance of general intelligence as someone here has. But psychologists have known for 100 years now that general intelligence, as important as it is, accounts fully for our cognitive ability — there are individual variations as well. Einstein’s mind was substantively different than that of others, wildly intuitive, creative, philosophical, and deep. He seemed almost to have been working on another plane than the other great minds of his day.
After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in aesthetics, plasticity, and form.

The greatest scientists are artists as well. - Albert Einstein, 1923.

Von Neumann might be said to have taken conventional human intelligence to its limits;

Einstein, to have taken another route, and gone beyond.

