Miscellaneous Fan Art

Here is a collection of fan art from a bunch of different sources. While character designs were by a bunch of different people, the actual drawings on this page were by me, Glarryg.

(Some newer web browsers may re-size the pictures to fit your window after you click on these links; keep that in mind)

  1. An old picture of Stan Lee's Spider-Man. Oh, the irony!
  2. Kid, the Heroine of Square's Chrono Cross
  3. One of Eastman and Laird's Ninja Turtles
  4. Ol' Raph gets the color treatment
  5. Stan Lee's Wolverine seems ticked off about something; perhaps it's his diminutive proportions. Deal with it, bub.
  6. I guess being in color didn't help Wolvie's temperament any
  7. A wizard from Square's Final Fantasy Tactics
  8. A sketched portrait of Kid from Chrono Cross
  9. John Krikfalusi's Ren and Stimpy... I miss those guys
  10. Stan Lee's Deadpool. A fan once described him as an "evil Spider-Man." That pretty well covers it.
  11. A samurai from Square's Final Fantasy Tactics
  12. Vegeta, resident bad boy from Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball series
  13. Next in my "Li'l Dragon Ball" series: Goku
  14. Tenshinhan, a.k.a. Tien, a.k.a. "Three Eyes"
  15. Shadow, enigmatic ninja from Final Fantasy 3 (i.e. the American version of Japan's FF6)
  16. Vega, Street Fighter II's "Spanish Ninja"
  17. I don't want to toot my own horn, but this was the first drawing I made of Final Fantasy 7's Cloud Strife that included more than just his head, and it turned out better than I expected, so here it is
  18. Ditto with this picture of Scooby-Doo's pal Shaggy
  19. Spaaaace Ghoooost!
  20. This is what Space Ghost's old days were like
  21. Nowadays, however, he finds himself working a desk job
  22. Miniaturized Vega, still keeping his cool
  23. SFII's Ryu
  24. Ryu and Vega duke it out
  25. FF7's peppy martial artist Tifa Lockheart
  26. Larry 3000, luckless robot from Cartoon Network's Time Squad
  27. Al Hirschfeld-style caricature of "Weird Al" Yankovic
  28. Aeris Gainsborough, from FF7
  29. A Chocobo, friendly ostrich-sized bird from the Final Fantasy series

Remember, if you'd like a piece of my artwork, I'll probably allow it as long as you ask first. It's still copyrighted by me.

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