Adam Nowaks of the World!
This is some guy from Poland.  I don't know Polish, but he is some sort of mathematician or scientist.  And he dresses better than I do.
The main Adam Nowak out in the world, aside from me, is a music composer from Poland.  He writes and conducts music for films and theatre, actually, although I don't know for sure.  My Polish is.....non-existant.  This picture is from a website related to him, and it made me laugh, so it's here now.
This is a link to the Brampton, Ontario Board of Trade.  My homie Adam Nowak is the damn President of the Brampton Board of Trade.  And also an avid bowler, apparently.  You go, A-Dog!!!!
Canada is North America's Suburb!
You take picture now?  I hold numbers straight underneath face and peepee in cup good, no?
Here's my favorite doppelganger on the Net.  This guy is a super villain who is wanted by the FBI in the South!  He and his girlfriend are wanted for burglary and theft in Florida, Kentucky, Virginia, and Georgia.  I think this is awesome!
stiff - adj. - 1. Difficult to bend; rigid.
An Adam Nowak received a Virtuti Militari medal, sometime between 1792-1992.  It's the Polish version of the Medal of Honor, and there are over 24,000 people who've received it. 

You hear that?  Don't mess with Poland, punk!
The Fightin' Polish
I'll admit it; I egosurf.  "What's egosurfing, Adam?"  Well, it's when you search for your own name on the Web.  And I've done just that, asked various search engines to tell me what they know about me and others who share my name.  This page is devoted to the best examples of other Adam Nowaks on this planet of ours.  I found one Adam Nowak that has posted about 100 messages to a tech support board regarding his printer (Hey Ad, get a new printer, 'kay?)  There's one that's on a high school wrestling team (he's not doing very well).  Anyway, here's a rogue's gallery of other Adams.  Enjoy!
These teeth are great, eh?
"Hi, I'm Parliamentarian Adam Nowak of Luxemburg-Casco High School, Class of 2000.  My greatest acheivement?  That's easy.  Becoming Parliamentarian of the Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Electricity Club.  My greatest lesson I've learned so far?  Red to red, black to black.  Go Packers!"
I luv the Queen Mum!
A British teenager  with a page of family photos.  The English are so silly!  They say "Mum" instead of "Mom"!  They think they have different accents in their own small country!  They make me laugh.
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