Gidon Arnold Experienced Sound Technician
For 12 years Gidon Arnold worked   as a sound technician for IBA TV   Israel's national television channel - recording and broadcasting events as   varied as the Lebanese war, the 1999 Eurovision Song Contest and the signing   of the peace agreement between Jordan and Israel at the White House.� Since February 2001 he has worked in the   USA for ABC,NBC,CBS,PBS and CNN networks.�   When the attack on the World Trade Center happened, he was there to   record it.� Gidon combines a depth of   experience with a dedicated, professional, team approach to his work.����
Gidon   Arnold at the White House. President Clinton,
King   Hussein and Yitzchak Rabin stand in the background
His job has taken him to Turkey, Egypt, Poland, the United States, Qatar, Holland, Jordan, England and Sweden. He has worked on everything from sports events andlive news broadcasts, to children?s shows, entertainment programs and dramas.
The largest production he ever handled was the   first digitally broadcast Eurovision Song Contest ? one of the most watched   live annual events in the world with an estimated 100 million viewers in over   40 countries.� Gidon helped set up the   international commentators communications system, and even   wrote an article about it in What?s   Satellite magazine, published in the UK.
Dress Rehersals for the 1999 Eurovision
As part of his duties as a sound technician and   supervisor he has worked on many different kinds of programs in all   areas of sound.� For the news he has   worked on ENG, EFP, SNG, sound mixes, voice-overs, ADR, live linkups from the   field, broadcasting and video cut-to-cut editing both on his own and as part   of and in charge of a team of sound Engineers.�
Among the events he has recorded and   broadcasted are the September 11th, 2001 attack on the World Trade   Center, the Intifada, terrorist attacks, the war in Lebanon, and peace talks   between Israel, the Palestinians and Jordan in Egypt, Israel, the US and   Qatar. Gidon has recorded and worked on the broadcasting of many live sports   events ? including basketball, soccer and athletics - both national and   international.��� He has also worked   on talk shows, documentaries, live interactive game shows, children?s   programs, live music, sound
Effects,   talk shows, dramas, sitcoms, variety shows, commercials and (as mentioned   above) the 1999 Eurovision.�
�I.D.F. soldiers in the dessert
The equipment he has worked with includes mixer consoles: Studer, Mozart from Amek, Tascam and Mitech, sound consoles of up to 48 channels, film, video, ISDN broadcast� lines, Fisher booms, Nagra tape recorders,� ENG mixers : Shure, SQN, Cooper,Sound design, PSE4 and Audio. 4 wire sports commentary positions, Multi camera live trucks, wireless mikes: Sennheiser, DATs, CDs, cartridge players, digital FX banks, FX processors: Lexicons,360 Systems 16/32 mm audio film Dubers, multi-track and quarter inch players, computer mixing programs,� Pro tools.��
His education as a sound technician began at the Willesden College of Technology, near the home in Wembley, England where he grew up.� After finishing his studies there and earning his degree as a technician of electrical and electronic engineering he continued taking courses of benefit to his job.� Among the topics he learned are digital, multi-track, post production mixing, live music recording, computer engineering, Hebrew and basic Arabic.
Gidon Arnold is available for work in the New Jersey, New York or Philadelphia area.
Name: (Andrew) Gidon Arnold
Address: 66B Woodbridge Ave
Highland Park , NJ 08904
Telephone :(732) 393-1355
Fax: (732) 393-1944
Cell phone /pager (848) 228-1355
Birth place amd Date::
London, England, 1965
Marital status: Married with two children
You can also view my updated resume at:
E-mail: [email protected]
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