Guard Freaks' New World

Just a fun site all about Color Guard. For you Guard Freaks there are all kinds of funnies about us. Look around and enjoy.

Winter Guard
If you're interested in joining a Winter Guard this season check out Arpeggio Winter Guard. This site has their practice and perfomance schedule. Below is all the contact information to this Guard if you have any questions.

2204 SE 12th ave. Unit C
Portland OR, 97214
[email protected]

  1. Ways to Know You've Been in Guard Too Long
  2. Guard Rules
  3. The Hit Point System
  4. Why Color Guard is a Sport
  5. Guard Resolutions
  6. Guard Excuses
  7. The Ten Commandments of Guard
  8. Guard Pledge of Allegiance
  9. Color Guard Prayer
  10. Why Flags Are Better Than Men...
  11. Colorguard Dictionary
  12. Top 10 Reasons to Date a Guard Member
  13. What is Colorguard?
  14. Color and Winter Guard Report
  15. Clip Art

Here are some other really cool Guardie websites. I've gotten a lot of information from these websites and others as well as using my own experience in Guard. Hope you enjoy them.

Need any Guard equipment, uniforms, or band stuff then check out these places.

If you have any comments or want to add anything to this site just use "Guard Freak" as the subject. Send the e-mail to [email protected]

This website is prepared for the pure enjoyment of Guardies everywhere. Share this website with everyone and have a laugh.
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