
Merry Mansion, Biloxi MS

Aug. 1968:

Witnesses reports include occurances such as the scent of roses, cigars, candles, and sulfur. There are also reports of sounds such as footsteps in the halls, a womans voice in the attic, and children playing in one of the back bedrooms. Legend has it that mansion was said to be cursed back in the 1800's when it was built, and the only way to lift the curse is to burn the mansion. Witnesses claim that the smell of match sulfur occurs only in those rooms which contain lots of flammable items such as paper, books, etc. In those same types of rooms is where the scent of a recently extinguished candle is present.


Merry Mansion burned to the ground, leaving only the chimneys standing.

Personal Report:

When walking the area where the mansion once stood, I found cold spots, but nothing terribly out of the ordinary.

Blue Lilly
VTap Room

The Girls

����Merry Mansion,
����Biloxi MS

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