Ghetto Wrestling Association
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Roses Are Red... With Anger
March 2, 2006
Now we hear The DeRose Brothers music playing but out comes Mr. Hardcore dressed as a United States Marine and Rudland dressed as a New York City Fire Fighter carrying a Canadian flag. The crowd half boos and laughs as they slide into the ring. Mr. Hardcore salutes the Canadian flag and then takes a microphone as Rudland lays the flag across the mat. "Ten Hut!" Hardcore says and Rudland stumbles to attention. "Don't you have a cat to save or something Matt?" Hardcore asks and Rudland just shrugs and flexes. "Ok, ok, enough kidding around. We lost at the Free Per View to the better men" the crowd boos and Rudland just laughs. "I've been through Paris Island, I've come face to face with men that would make R. Lee Ermy blush but the last time I was in this ring I faced the scariest thing I think I've ever faced and that's the team of Mr. Hardcore and Rudland." Hardcore laughs and hands the mike to Rudland who instead of talking just flexes, Hardcore shrugs and takes the mike back. "Ok, enough of this crap" Hardcore says as he pulls off the wig and Marine cap and unbuttons his uniform and Rudland just keeps flexing then Hardcore taps on his shoulder and removes the helmet off his head. "I said enough!" Hardcore says laughing. "Seriously, Matt, Chris, you guys are pathetic! You lost your titles at the free per view and I personally thought we were going to be in for a challenge, I mean a Marine and a Fireman, One of New Yorks Bravest and one of the Few and Proud and you lose, but not only lose you bleed and lose! You two should just retire, seriously, go back to being a City worker and a Jarhead cause you're not cut out for the G.W.A., No Canadians are cut out for this company" The crowd, obvious Canadian lovers boo this severely. "Oh, you don't believe me? I'll show you what we think about Canadians here, Joe, did you bring it?" Hardcore asks and Rudland pulls something out of his Fire Fighters jacket and hands it to Mr. Hardcore then stands in front of the camera and opens the jacket sheilding Mr. Hardcore from the camera as Hardcore does something we cannot see until Rudland backs up and we see Mr. Hardcore zipping up his pants and holding a small cup of urine. Rudland spreads out the Canadian flag as Hardcore walks up nodding and pointing to the cup. Just then The Saviors music plays and out come The DeRose Brothers running to the ring and sliding in, Rudland then runs across the ring behind Hardcore as The Savior tosses the flag to The Solution and walks upto Mr. Hardcore staring him down and mouthing something to him. Just then Mr. Hardcore smirks and throws the cup of urine in The Saviors face and slides out of the ring and him and Rudland run up the ramp and stand on the stage laughing as The Savior takes off his shirt, much to the delight of the female fans and wipes his face as The Solution checks on him. The Savior stands looking up the ramp shaking from being so livid.

Mr. Hardcore & Rudland Get V.D.
March 9, 2006
Now V.D.'s music hits and out walk... Mr. Hardcore dressed as Bri-2-K & Rudland dressed as Hardware. They step into the ring and "Hardware" grabs a mic.

"You know guys..." a weak voiced impression from Rudland starts "..I'm here to announce that last week The DeRose brothers were right, there's no place in this company for guys like us so long as Rudland & Mr. Hardcore are around."

The crowd booed as Rudland spoke "V.D. stands for Virtually Dead now" The crowd keeps jeering, chanting you suck.

"Hardware" hands the mic to "Bri-2-K" who just shrugs and starts walking against the wind like a mime. Then V.D.'s music hits again and the Real V.D. walk out on the stage. "You know.. It's funny but didn't we beat you for the tag titles when the G.W.A. 1st opened it's doors again last year?" Hardware says and the crowd cheers.

Rudland stops smiling and takes off his sunglasses and starts cursing under his breath. "You know what kills me?"

Hardware starts and is cut off by Rudland "Knives? Guns? Math Problems?" 

"No!, What kills me is that You and your midget sidekick get to represent this company by wearing those belts and you can't even beat me one on one." Hardware finishes and the crowd pops loudly. Now Mr. Hardcore gets hot and starts cursing and Rudland smirks and says "Are you challenging me to a match tonight Dave?"

Hardware looks at the crowd and asks them "Should I?" The crowd cheers and Hardware looks to Bri-2-K and he nods then Hardware looks back at Rudland and says "Yeah, I am"

Then Rudland laughs and says "Then I'll see you tonight."

Dawn of the Assassins
March 23, 2006
Corporate Stiff walks into Mr. Perezs' office, petition in hand and demands a moment of Luis' time. "Ok James, what's up this week?" Luis says folding his hands on the desk with a smile on his face always pleased by what Corporate Stiff usually offers him. "Tonight I want that new tag team of Rabies & Idol to take out Homeless John." Stiff says. "Hmm Rabies & Idol, who've started calling themselves The Assassins vs. Homless John & Aramis Of Doom... Ok, I like it, let's try it out" Luis says and Stiff lowers his voice and says "No, I want them against him, no Aramis, just John. He has to get hurt so it's a sure victory for whoever wins tonight's contendership." Luis rubs his chin and then decides "I can't make it a handicapped match but I can make it a Tornado Tag Team match and it'll happen tonight!" Corporate Stiff "Accidently" knocks Luis' cup of coffee into his lap making Luis shreak. Stiff then turns around and walks out of the office.

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