Ghetto Wrestling Association
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The Biggest of Them All

Bigger Than You
September 6, 2005

The scene opens with Josh Joskow and Ray Haddock in the locker room talking.  “Josh, I thought you were my friend?,” Ray starts off, “What were you thinking the other night at the Free Per View?”
Josh looks up from his gym bag, “What do you mean?  I was out there doing what they pay me to do around here, wrestle.  You have a problem with that?”
Ray shakes his head, “That’s not what I'm talking about, you prevented me from getting anywhere near that Hardcore Title!”
Josh stands up almost chest to chest with Ray, “I though you liked competition?  All I was doing was giving you a run for your money there.”  He laughs and then starts to walk away.
Ray grabs him and spins him around, “Don't laugh, this isn't funny!  This isn't one of those ‘I’m bigger than you’ contests from back in the day!  This is the G.W.A. Howdy, not high school.  This places may not mean a lot to you, the newbie, but to a Vet like me, it means a lot!”
Josh smirks and says, “But I am bigger than you, regardless.”  Ray blinks and shakes his head, “No your not!  I'm bigger, I've always been bigger than you!”
They bicker like children back and forth for sometime, Josh adding “Look at my biceps, it’s bigger than your thigh!”
If you're so much better than me, I want to see you prove it.  I booked us in a match tonight.  If you're so much “bigger and better” than me, beat me.
Josh laughs and nods, “Fine, you're on.”

I'm More Bigger Than You
September 15, 2005
The scene opens up with Mr. Rabies Ray Haddock already in the ring, with mic in hand he starts, “Ya know Josh, ya got me good last week.  I have to hand it to you, I really didn’t think you could do.  I mean, after I have more training than you do.  I’m stronger and faster than you, plus...”
Ray smiles into the camera, “I’m better looking than you.”
The crowd begins to boo him.
“See? I even have more fans than you!”  He laughed to himself.
Josh’s music hits and he walks out with a mic in his hand, “Ray, just shut up!  Give it up man, I beat you fair and square.  Face it, I’m better than you.  End of story.”
Ray quickly retorts, “Well tonight you know we have a rematch so we’ll see about that.”
The crowd begins to cheer hearing that there is another match up.
Ray continues, “Oh yeah...and I know more about Venom than you do, so HA!”
Josh gets visibly annoyed and starts for the ring, “That’s right, come on down...Howdy!”
Josh stops and snarls at Ray and throws the mic, pulls off his shirt and charges the ring.  Ray just laughs and braces himself.

I'm Even More Bigger Than You
September 22, 2005
We cut to the ring with Josh Joskow inside holding a mic, he begins, “Ya know Ray I guess all I have to say about last week is, good job.  I mean, ya beat me fair and sqaure in this ring, 1-2-3, but now this only evens things up.  The way records show it is that you and me have one win and lose to each other...I think you know just as well as I that this cannot stay where it a draw.”  The crowd starts to cheer a bit.
“The way I see it is that we have to finish this “best of three” match we seem to have started for ourselves.  So what do ya say?  You think you can pull another win out of your ass again tonight, against me, in this ring, in front of all these rabid fans?”
The crowd grows increasingly louder as Josh continues his speech until Ray’s music cuts the crowd’s noise down.
Mr. Rabies comes out from the back with a microphone in hand and speaks up, “Josh, nothing came out of my ass last week, I can assure you of that...expect maybe your head!”  The crowd begins to boo.  “Josh, ever since we’ve known each other you’ve always wanted to be like me, I started to show creative talents through my art and playing the occasional guitar and piano then you had to pick up a guitar and start working in an attempt to outshine me.  Then I decided to start working out and there you were, right behind me working out.  You even went to great lengths to become,” he laughs mostly to himself, “bigger than me, but will never happen.  And tonight I’m going to pound you into the ground and take my second and much deserved victory over you to prove once again that I’m better than you!”

It Don't Get No Bigger Than Me
September 29, 2005
The scene opens to what is becoming an all too familiar face, Josh Joskow and his trusty friend, a microphone.  “Now this is just getting ridiculous, Ray.  I beat you last week, I’m up 2 pin falls to your 1.  Why did you request another match with me?  I thought it was a best 3 or can you not count, unlike me seems to have far more superior counting as well as mathematics skills.”  Josh begins to laugh at his own joke when Mr. Rabies’ music plays.
Josh stops and looks to the ramp.  After a few moments one comes from the backroom like expected but instead Ray slips into the ring behind Josh undetected and starts an attack.

You're Getting Too Big for Your Britches
September 30, 2005
Josh Joskow’s music hits and the fans react in a big way.  He makes his way down to the ring and takes up a microphone.  “Ray?...Ray.  Honestly, Ray?  This is just getting annoying now.  Last week I was in this ring telling you how I beat you 2 pins to your 1, and yet you still challenged me...and lost!  You had to jump me from behind like the loser that you are...and I still beat you!  The way I see it, I’m up 3 pins to your 1.  This is just sad Ray.”
Ray’s music hits and the fans ‘boo’ him as he steps out onto the ramp, mic in hand, “No, Howdy, that isn’t sad.”  Josh’s face changes from his normal big smile to that of a teeth-grinding-locked-jaw look at the mention of “Howdy”.
“In all the times you have ‘claimed’ to have beaten me,” Mr. Rabies continued, “ you say you have pinned me 3 times but there is one thing you have yet to do.  A pin fall is a victory for women and from what I see you have 3 pin fall victories thus making you a very big woman!”  Ray laughs out loud while the crowd just ‘boos’ him.
Josh speaks up, “Ray you are the biggest woman I know, that’s about the only thing that you beat me at.  And will probably be the only thing you will ever beat me at.”
Ray quickly retorts, “Howdy, you have pinned me 3 times but there is one thing you had failed to make me do and that’s you think you’re man enough to make me submit, because the only way to win tonight is submission only.”  Ray’s smile slowly grows into that of a sick twist of lips and mole.
Josh just starts to laughs as he waves Ray down to the ring in invitation.

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