Ghetto Wrestling Association
Open 24 Hours

April 20th
from Paradise Lanes in Yonkers, NY
Match Type
Match Notes
The Norseman vs. Jimmy Violence vs. Howdy
Triple Threat
#1 Contender Match for Interboro; Defying the Odds
Firecracker (w/Double X) vs. El Golpe Mortal (w/Roach)
Mr. Hardcore & Rudland vs. Mr. Rabies & Bobby Idol
Tag Team
Finishers: Bobby Idol; Mr. Rabies (2); Rudland; Mr. Hardcore (2)
Legacy vs. Homeless John
Interference: Aramis of Doom
Aramis of Doom vs. Mikey Rowboat
Singles Hardcore
Interference: Homeless John and  Kiki;
Aramis of Doom: New NYHC Champ
Kiki vs. Hardware
Interference: Bri-2-K and Mikey Rowboat

April 20, 2006
"Week after week I come out here and point out your flaws and yet these people boo me and cheer you, and yet Michelle stays by your side! I'm sick of it!" Greg screams into the microphone. "You have it all and I want it! And come the free per view I'm going to take it from you, all of it!" Greg continues breathing heavy into the microphone. Double X stands in the ring with Firecracker celebrating her win over the man who knocked her out a week ago.

Double X just looks up the ramp at Greg and shakes his head and asks Firecracker for a mic. "You know, you're all talk, week after week you come out here and rag on me for all I've worked for yet you have done nothing to prove that you deserve to be where you are. You're jealous, just admit it Greg," Double X says and Greg gets pissed and retorts "Done nothing to deserve where I am?!? Are you insane? Did you not see me win the Rumble?"

Double X sighs and says "Greg, Anyone can win the Rumble, you came in near the end and then tossed Corporate Stiff over the ropes to be where you are. Anyone can toss a man over the ropes who only wrestles at free per views"

Greg fumes and throws the mic down and storms to the back. Double X shrugs and  escorts Firecracker to the back.

Defying the Odds
April 20, 2006
"I told you I deserved this shot!" a bloody Jimmy Violence exclaimed as he was falling up the rampway to the back grabbing a microphone from Jen Robinson who was about to interview him. "Keep it comin' Luis, I can handle whatever you toss at me, the Inter-boro title will be mine!" Jimmy says out of breath now the new number one contender for Howdy's title at the next Free Per View.

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