Funnny and krazy Maker quotes!

Got a funny, krazy, or even your favorite Maker quote? Well feel free to send them in!

"Loads of us ran down high street in Wigan (U.K.) in the middle of the night with no cloths on. We dared ourselfs. Thought it would be a good idea. People were laughing. We ran with our cloths under our arms and then put our cloths back on at the other end of the street.--Christian on his dare

"Scary box!"-- Mark on MSN interview

"F*ck you man, we're not a boy band!-- Christian on MSN interview

*An old man voice* "25 years ago.." --Christian on when the band 1st met

"There's so many good looking, young celebrities out there it's hard to choose. Britney is nice, pretty, and successful"--Ste on his celebrity crush

"Erotic"--Mark decribing himself in 1 word

"You get free stuff, you can jump in line at DisneyLand. But you have to watch what you say, and lose your privacy--Christian on the perks of be famous

"Throw a pint of beer on a girl and ask, 'Let me get you out of those wet clothes'"--Christian's fav pick up line

"We don't get sick of each other, but we do like our space. No we don't get sick of each other. We're like brothers... and sisters"--Mark

"I collect flowers"--Christian pretending to be Mark

"I'm really good at sleeping"--Mark on his hidden talent

"I do magic tricks"--Christian on his hidden talent

"So we dropped our pants and showed them our a*s"--Ste on Mtv Confessions

"Fortunately for us, we're just devastatingly handsome"--Christian in YM magazine

"Ugly boybands. If they could sing though, they�d be okay. But I�m not against manufactured bands"--Mark on what he would ban

"I�d ban Lolly and Aqua too. Any cheesy pop- I hate it!"--Ste

"I reckon my mum would be a good Prime Minister- she�s really hard working and very caring. My brother Daniel could be her deputy �cos he would have to take orders form my mum! I�d be the head of the army, �cos I�m solid- I used to do a bit of boxing. Britney Spears and Janet Jackson would be my princesses, oh, and Madonna of course. And I think Lee Evans would be my court jester, �cos he�s a very funny bloke!"--Mark on who he'd give top jobs to if he was king of the world

"Instead of money, I�d make people use nail clippings. The bigger they were, the more they�d be worth, so you�d have to grow them really long, and then cut them to get rich"--Ste on what he would use instead of money

"I do boxing, but I don�t practice on these two"--Mark on his type of excrise

"I had a pair of pink jeans-haha! I was only about 8"-- Mark on his fashion faux

"Course, we don�t (bleep) on paper on the floor. We don�t live together anymore"--Chrstian on if they guys were domisticated

"I would never strip off to further my career. I�d strip off for a laugh when I�m drunk! But it wouldn�t further my career"--Mark

"I was a bit nervous the first time, but I�m not anymore. It�s a really grown-up, scary thing to do. Everything else in life is talked about openly, but sex is secretive"--Christian

"Lads won�t show their slushy side to their mates, but most guys are quite sensitive and soon learn that it�s best to be themselves around girls"--Ste

"I watch Antiques Roadshow. I love guessing how much things are worth!"--Mark

"Yeah, once you�ve seen one porn mag, you�ve seen �em all"--Christian

"Boys don�t always go for girls who remind them of their mum. I know Christian�s mum well and she�s nothing like his last girlfriend, Caprice!�--Ste

"I�ve got a selection of hair gels and moisturisers, and I�m happy to dig out the fake tan if I�m looking pale�--Mark

"As a kid, I had this big teddy that I loved. When I was 10, my mum gave it to my cousin and I was gutted!�-- Ste

"I use moisturiser every day, so that when I�m 40, I won�t look like a leather handbag"--Christian

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