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11. What is Ste's Dog's name????
A. Bert
B. Zac
C. Sally
D. Gem
1. What is Christian favorite food????
A. Chinese
B. Italian
C. Thai
12. What was christian's job before bbmak????
A. Carsalesman
B. Shoe salesman
C. Hot Dog Vendor
D. Cashier at a music store
2. What was the band's name the Ste use to belong to?????
A. Action
B. Mist
C. K Boys
D. The Roofies
3. What did Mark used to have????
A. Tongue ring
B. Lip ring
C. Gold tooth
D. A tatooe on his back
13. What is the soundtrack bbmak does not have a song on????
A. On the Line
B. A Walk to remember
C. Return to Neverland
D. Princess Diaries
4. How many neices & or nephews does Christian have?????
A. 3
B. 1
C. 4
D. None
14. Who is Mark's favorite actor????
A. George Clooney
B. Robert DeNiro
C. Robert Reford
D. Will Smith
15. Who is the girl in the still on your side video????
A. Relative
B. Girlfriend
C. Friend
D. An Extra 
5. What was the name of the the first song Ste wrote????
A. Insane
B. Sweet love
C. Bye bye bye
D. Always
16. What is Christian's secret nickname?????
A. Hot Stuff
B. Cutie Pie
C. Dada
D. Ladiesman
6. Where did Mark grow up????
A. Wigan
B. Liverpool
C. Manchester
D. Ohio
7. How many guitars does Ste own?????
A. 18
B. 22
C. 15
D. 19
8. What is Christian's most important realationship????
A. His family
B. His cell phone
C. His dogs
D. The band
9. What does Ste do in his sleep????
A. Hum
B. Drool
C. Snore
D. Talk
10. Whose guitar case was used in the Back Here video????
A. Mark
B. Christian
C. Ste
D. A crew members
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