Mah Thanx u's

Okay, I know I might be a little ahead of myself but-I really really wanna give a Thanx you speech! LOL I kinda feel like a celebrity here! J/k! : )

1. I'd like to 1st thanx Electriss (Becky) for making up the art contest! And posting about it! If it wasn't for her, none of this would be possible! And to the other winners Natalie, Annie, and Becci your guy's art work was awesome! And also thanxs to the rest of the members of BBMak's Loyal Fans.

2. I'd like to thanx mah parents for paying our computer bill and getting me hooked on the internet! : )

3. I wanna also thanx Sue, because it is HARD for me to handle the site alone! She hella helps me out!!! 2 is betta than 1.

4. All you guys who voted for me. I never win 1st place nothing! I always luck out. So you made mah dream come true...LOL

5. I wanna thanx Jen and Jess for letting me post mah fan fics on their boards! (Haha Getting a little off topic..)

6. I wanna thanx all mah friends in Tracy (Representing Cali!). You guys keep me from turning into some bbmak stalker! Ya kno, check me into reality. LOL Also everyone @ HR mb and the IYH forum; you guys rock! Your mah bestest online friends! : )

7. GO ANGELS!!!! GIANTS LOST!!! ;) (Oops, sowwie Giants fans!)

8. I wanna mostly thanx mah friend Lani, you got BBMak *Into Mah Head!* Without out your musical guidence I'd probrobly say BB-who? LOL

9. Thanx goodness for MAGIZINES AND BRITISH ACCENTS! LOL I'm real happy they've been putting the lads in mags lately.

10. And ofcourse I'd LUV to thanx BBMak for making excellent music and getting me hooked on them for life! : )

~*I'm sorry if I missed anyone. I'll definatly put you in mah next thanx speech! LOL*~
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