Flicks I Picked (or got dragged to) 2003
I see quite a few movies.  That's a fact. (he he, watch me slack off this year and not see as many!)  I see some crap, but I also see some really good movies.  And I know that my opinion differs from others, even the ones I love most, but I always have a reason for liking or disliking a movie.  So, to pay tribute to the movies I watch and pay money to see, I'm documenting each film I see this year and stating what I think about them.  I don't know that this will be interesting or of help, but it will amuse me.  And if nothing else, I'll realize how much money I spend on entertaining myself.
Catch Me If You Can
1 January 2003
billy, kevin, steve, rori, mike
I'm not a Leo fan. I don't think he's cute or even a good actor, but I do believe he did a good job in this movie. I won't go so far as to pin Jennifer Garner as the best thing in this movie, but I did want to mention her. (wink wink) 

The tale of a boy hurt by his parents divorce and financial ruin and his illegal means of getting it all back.
Best thing about this movie
: The character depth
Worst thing about this movie
: Leo's hair.
Thing I would have changed
: I would have thrown in the gameshow, "To Tell The Truth," during the credits to add some laughs.
: I'd see it again
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
10 January 2003 (also December 18, 20, and 21)
I love this movie. I've gone to see it four times, three in a matter of four days. In my opinion, this movie is definitely better than the first. I can't wait to see the third installment.
Plot: The fellowship is broken and the fragments journey on their own: Frodo and Sam to Mordor led by the insane Gollum, Merry and Pippin having been captured by Orcs, and Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli hunting them. The war for Helms Deep, Gollum's loyalties, Rohan, and Treebeard are all included.
Best thing:
I don't think there is one best thing. Gollum was really well done, the characters were fulfilled more, and the soundtrack were all great.
Worst thing: I didn't care for the scene where Gandalf describes his dealings with his enemy. The whole light thing was sorta corny. Also, I didn't like the ghostly images when Frodo falls into the swamp; they seemed cliche.
I would have changed: I would have loved to have understood Treebeard better. I didn't always catch what his deep, slow-paced voice was saying.
Rating: I love this movie. I would so own it, but since I can't yet I'll probably just go view it at the theater again.
1 February 2003
me, myself and i
I really like musicals. They usually have a romance and jokes and the music gives way to dancing and smiles.
Plot: This movie finds one woman wanting the spotlight to herself and getting one-upped by another star in the making, but they both end up...well you can see for yourself.
Best thing: The choreography was definitely the best part, especially the Tango.
Worst thing: Richard Gere. I don't care how many people gave him praise, he was not up to par or the level of expertise that the ladies had. His tap scene was pretty decent though I'll give him that.
I would have changed: Somewhere in the middle it seemed to get lengthy. I got that "how long IS this movie" feeling. I think some more editing would have helped. I would have expanded the ending though. I felt almost cheated by they abrupt, albeit cute, ending.
Rating: I would see it again. I might not go to the theater, but I might rent it. And I would probably buy the soundtrack because the tunes are catchy.
How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days
15 February 2003
This was a very cute romantic comedy. It was everything I could have hoped for from this movie.
Plot: Magazine chick has to write an article about losing a guy in 10 days, advertising dude gets set up by chicks he works with to get a chick to fall in love with him in 10 days. Does it really need more explanation?
Best thing: I read the book before the movie. Kate Hudson really surprised me and so did the movie.
Worst thing: The corny sequence when she gets hunted down by the jewelry people.
I would have changed: I would have used the book to create the movie and actually worked it into the movie. It would have looked really cute with intros of stick figures. If you don't know what I'm talking about--too bad.
Rating: This was a very adorable movie that wasn't too heavy-handed and have a very, very sweet falling in love sequence. I would own this movie purely for that reason, not to mention the personal ones that I hold dear to my heart.
16 February 2003
Jennifer Garner. Ben Affleck. Need I say more? If you know me, you know the movie could have been utter crap and I would not have cared.
Plot: Little Matt loses his sight, his dad dies and he uses his heightened senses to fight for good. He then does the smartest thing ever by realizing how hot Jennifer, err Elektra, is even while blind and then dating her.
Best thing: Jennifer Garner. Ben Affleck. Kicking ass.
Worst thing: They actually try and kill her off. What the hell were they thinking?
I would have changed: Seeing more of Jennifer.
Rating: Jennifer Garner. Ben Affleck. I'll admit I was not a Daredevil fan. I was an X-Men chick. But, I'll learn to like little Matt because there's no way I cannot own this movie.
Spirited Away
28 March 2003
billy, fike
I did not really care to see this movie, but at the time is was the best out of a load of post-Oscar crap.
Plot: Idiotic parents make stupid gluttonous choices and leave their young daughter to save them. She works in a fantastical spirit world to earn her parents back and save them from being slaughtered after being turned into pigs. (Don't ask.)
Best thing: I got to see it with my billy. The movie wasn't a typical fluff cartoon.
Worst thing: You had to expand your mind a little and leave reality to scratch at the plot. It's just a cultural difference.
I would have changed: The hero and his questionable motives and character history.
Rating: I would probably watch it again if there wasn't something better on.
Anger Management
25 April 2003
I wanted a laugh.
Plot: Man is accosted on a plane and sentenced to anger management therapy. The therapist totally infiltrates the man's life, right down to stealing his chick.
Best thing: Probably Jack Nicholson. It was nice to see the laid-back big wig take a turn for the crazy.
Worst thing: I just really don't care for Marisa Tomei.
I would have changed: "I feel pretty." I'm pretty sure that was used in Analyze That.
Rating: I don't care if I ever see this movie ever again.
X2: X-Men United
2 May 2003 rikman
9 May 2003
Jean kicks ass.
Plot: A freak jackass tries to kill all the mutants and the X-men join force to stop him.
Best thing: Jean saves the day. Also, the scene where the X-men confront the President. "We'll be watching."
Worst thing: Rogue is getting short-changed. They need to kick her character into gear. I was hoping for more from her.
I would have changed: The ending left me frustrated. I know what happens to Jean, but that little water hint at the end wasn't enough for me. It's gonna be another three years before the next movie comes out and if I didn't know any better I would think there was no hope for dear Jean.
Rating: As if you'd have to ask. I plan on bringing home the dvd the day it comes out.
16 May 2003
I don't much like thrillers. They freak me out and cause me to be more edgy, but this one was clever. I feel dumb for not figuring it out myself though. I'm gullible when it comes to movies.
Plot: A group of "random" people become stranded at a motel and one by one they start dying.
Best thing: I liked how the falling action happened and the keys. John Cusack was quite good too.
Worst thing: The ending made me think the makers were punks. You'll have to see it for yourself.
I would have changed: The graphic nature of the deaths. It was really just for show. The movie would have been just as good without the detail. The gore didn't aid the plot so I think it could go.
Rating: I'd see it again, but only cause I know when to shut my eyes.
The Matrix Reloaded
21 May 2003
I went to see the movie on opening day with the boy I love. I broke promises and almost drove myself insane but it was worth it.
Plot: Neo and the gang team up with other Zion folk to change their destiny and learn about the prophecy. The plot thickens and then leaves a cliffhanger, but only until November.
Best thing: I rather enjoyed the huge explosion of Mr.Smiths and I liked how Trinity kicked ass in the chase scene. The chase scene was really awesome and it's even better knowing they did a lot of it themselves. I also liked that the preview for Revolutions was at the end. Good deal.
Worst thing: The confusion with the architect. Very wordy. But even that wasn't all that bad.
I would have changed: More twins. They were pretty buff.
Rating: It kicked ass. Of course I'm gonna own it. I'm going to go see it at least another time.
Bruce Almighty
24 May 2003
It looked funny and I wanted to be alone with my baby at the movies on a Saturday night. What's the crime?
Plot: This guy believes God hates him, and then God challenges him to do the job instead. The guy basically does it all wrong, but in an amusing way.
Best thing: Who better to play God than Jim Carrey? Also, that anchor guy was pretty kooky and almost stole the show. Ooh, and the soup.
Worst thing: I didn't like the chick that played Jennifer Aniston's sister, she wasn't a good cast. As most comedies nowadays, it wasn't as funny as I thought it should be.
I would have changed: more Jennifer Aniston's character. The ending placed her on this holy ground, if you will, that the audience didn't really get enough of thru the movie.
Rating: Funny enough, but not up to expectation. I'd watch it again, but only if I flipped by it on TV. I wouldn't go so far as to rent it.
The Matrix Reloaded
30 May 2003
Second time around: I'm writing this because I am a believer that this movie must be seen at least twice. I was lucky enough to see it on opening night, too. Best time to go.It was so much cooler the second time around. The first time was all about understanding and the second was all about absorbing. The third time is definitely going to be about engraving.
Finding Nemo
13 June 2003
I love Pixar. I want to own all of their movies.
Plot: An overprotective father fish loses his son to a dentist on the high seas of Austrailia and spends the rest of the movie seeking him with a forgetful companion and the help of the rest of the ocean.
Best thing: It was so cute! And it was just the right amount of child and adult. I can't imagine anyone not finding something to like or identify with in this movie. I love fish!
Worst thing: The whole beginning sequence. I know it was needed to propel the plot, but as my mom said, "I bet that traumatized the little kids. It traumatized me!"
I would have changed: Where were the outtakes! There's a level of expectation with Pixar and they didn't live up. I spose they'll throw some in to catch extra viewers later this summer.
Rating: Total own it movie. Very awesome. I was pleased.
20 June 2003
This wasn't my first choice in movies. That is all.
Plot: Scientist father tests on himself and passes on to his son. Scientist son gets angry and falls in love. Chasing ensues.
Best thing: I really likes the split screens, that a couple people have called "comic book " style. The screens definitely gave the movie that original comic theme and helped this film to stand out among all the other movies of its kind.
Worst thing: I hated all of the chasing. After the first five minutes I was thinking, "Alright already! We get it. They can't catch him."
I would have changed: Josh Lucas. I love the boy; he's a cutie. However, his character was totally superfluous. The plot, in my mind, revolved around the Hulk being out of control, how and why he got there, and what to do about it. Adding Lucas' character (whose name I cannot remember at the moment) was an attempt to stuff the whole comic into one movie.
Rating: I really don't think I will ever see this movie again.
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
6 July 2003
I was a TV Angels fan. I didn't want to like these movies, but I was drawn to them.
Plot: Honestly, I think the plot was lacking key elements that an audience uses to understand the movie, but what I did get was: The Angels get a mission. They kick ass. Drew has a secret life. Demi's Angel turns bad. The Angels win. (Like you couldn't have gathered that) Sounds like a baseball game.
Best thing: I loved the cameo by the former Angel. That was totally awesome. And like the other film, I loved all the costume usage and character history.
Worst thing: I really wish the movie would have tied together better. It just left me wondering...what was that about exactly?
I would have changed: More Charlie. He had a little talk with Demi that was nice, but that's about it. They are his frickin' Angels, give him more time. Yes, I know he talks through a box, but it's only fair.
Rating: I'd watch this again.
Bad Boys 2
18 July 2003
Totally entertaining movie. The plot was thin, but the rest was so engaging that I didn't care.
Plot: Two drug busting partners keep secrets from each other, track down some drugs, and join to save the pretty girl.
Best thing: I don't remember one bland moment in the entire movie. I was either laughing or in suspense during an action sequence. The whole movie just kept moving.
Worst thing: They totally took advantage of their rated R. I could totally have done without the graphic blood spilling, body bursting, and rolling corpses.
I would have changed: The pretty girl. I just don't care for Gabrielle Union. She's not convincing as an actress.
Rating: I would definitely watch it again.
Pirate of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
25 July 2003
I really went in wanting to give the movie a chance, despite all the bad press and its orgin; it had a shining star.
Plot: Town is ravaged by pirates who take the governor's daughter. Poor blacksmith who is in love with her joins forces with silly, lone unrespected pirate. The pirates are trying to break a curse.
Best thing: Johnny Depp. Without him this movie would have been utter amusement park crap. He brought his character to life with class.
Worst thing: The corny jokes. Most of them were in the previews anyway. Plus, the plot--totally predictable.
I would have changed: The end. It kind of flopped. Well, not flopped, so much as, just didn't soar.
Rating: I'd see it again, if not solely to see Orlando Bloom, then to hear Johnny Depp say "But why is the rum gone?" again.
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