It happened on an ordinary afternoon.
No one else was in the house,
It was just me and him.
It was casual and relaxed.
The TV was on to some court show.
The picture was fuzzy;
The volume was down.
We spoke about how absurd the show was;
We didn't know where to start.
Somewhere in the middle,
We undressed each other.
It wasn't really my idea.
But I don't remember it being his.
It was quiet for a while,
Except for the sound of our breathing
And the occasional twitch of the TV.
I wasn't really interested in him,
But oddly in the judge on TV.
It was over before it began.
The clock said two.
He had to go and I made excuses.
Nothing felt different;
It was all the same.
Just as I thought it would be.

May 2001
jenny says
take me there
  shoulda coulda woulda you don't say   snapshot
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