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"Where Master Masons Communicate"

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Past Master
by Bro Steve Grant

The title Past Master stands for:

P is for Participation beyond our years serving in the Lodge's line officer positions.
A is for Assistance to our Master, Officers and Brethren so that they may be successful.
S is for Supporting our Brethren, our Lodge, our Districts and our Grand Lodge.
T is for being willing to Teach our Brothers and Officers as the future leaders of our Craft.
M is for being willing to let our lives and actions Motivate other Brothers to want to take leadership roles.
A is for remaining Active even when we are no longer in an Officer position.
S is for Strengthening our Lodge, our District, and our Grand Lodge through our actions and words.
T is for Training our Brothers when the opportunity comes up.
E is for being an Example of how a Mason and especially a Past Master should live and act.
R is for remembering that our Role as a Past Master never ceases.

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