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The Descendants of Francis Bushnell in America

7th Generation in America

DANIEL7 BUSHNELL (Alexander6, William5, William4, John Jr.3, John2, Francis1) born Lyme, CT, 18 DEC 1763, died Hartford, OH 12 AUG 1842, married Hartland, CT 1st, 01 MAR 1786 Rebecca Banning, born about 1765, died Hartford, CT 07 JUL 1809, married 2nd, Hartford 14 DEC 1810, Eunice Brockway, who died about 1860.

Daniel Bushnell removed with his father to Hartland, CT, served in the later part of Rev. War in his father's company at age of 16 it is claimed. After the war he became a carpenter and built the Congregational Church at Hartland, the door step of which carries this inscription, 'Built by Mr. Daniel Bushnell, raised June 30, 1801.' About 1803/4 he removed to Hartford, OH and built the Congregational Church there in 1819, and when a minister was not to be had he conducted the religious services. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity and in the later years of his life was a member of the M.E. Church. He had 17 children, 10 by his first wife and 7 by the second who died in Hartford, OH and was the second adult to be buried in the cemetary at the center of the township.

Daniel signed a will on 22 JAN 1842. From the record of the November Term of the court: "Will proved, George W. Bushnell & Joseph Bushnell, the Executors, accept the trust to give bond in $3000.00 with Samuel Bates and Gil Borden as trustees...Inventory filed 23 JAN 1843...JUL 1843, Geo W. Bushnell resigns, Proof and copy of notice filed 05 JUL 1843...Inventory recorded in B. 12, page 214...Final Settlement filed 03 JUN 1859 & Rec. in B. 3 of A/c P. 271". Daniel died 12 AUG 1842.

Children, 17:

1. Lewis, born 12 APR 1787, died 29 JUN 1818; he married 27 DEC 1808 Sally Webb of Johnson, OH who was born 26 SEP 1790 and died in 1879. To them were born the following children: Linus, born 29 AUG 1809, died 29 SEP 1828; Deborah, born 29 APR 1811, died 03 OCT 1812; Lorenzo, born 29 JAN 1813, married 06 SEP to Mailinda B. Robbins of Johnson, OH; Lewis, Jr., born 23 NOV 1818; married 230 DEC 1841 to Elizabeth A. Treat of Vienna, OH.

2. Lydia, born 29 MAY 1789, died 25 MAY 1858, married 1st, 05 OCT 1820, Jared Ross, married 25 MAR 1828, Elam Lindsley. No children.

3. Ziba, born 27 JUL 1791, died 08 JUL 1849, married 30 APR 1812, Amasa Webb of Johnston, OH.

4. Amoret, born 02 JUL 1793, died 06 JAN 1873, married 17 SEP 1810, Sylvester Borden of Hartford, OH. Their children were John H. Borden, born 15 DEC 1811; died 08 AUG 1846. He married Hannah L. Andrews 10 MAY 1838. Edmund, born 29 FEB 1816 and was married to Hannah K. Chamberlain 15 FEB 1844; Truman, born 30 OT 1819; Amelia, born 14 DEC 1826; married Rev. Robert W. Crane 11 DEC 1862.

5. Daniel Milton, born 17 OCT 1795.

6. Clarissa, born 11 JUN 1798, died 16 APR 1870, married 09 JAN 1818 Josiah Finney.

7. George Willis, born 11 OCT 1800.

[The following is not part of the Bushnell Genealogy] and is taken from:

Bushnell, Dr. G.W. Prospectus - Genealogy & History of the Bushnell Family. 1884.

"(To those who subscribe liberally for copies of the work, the executive committee might give, if desired, short sketches, similar to the following:)

GEORGE W. BUSHNELL, (seventh child of Daniel Bushnell), is a fair representative of his father, possessed of honor and integrity of character, and a man of great personal influence. For more than fifty years he has had remarkable success in the practice of medicine, having received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the Physio-Medical Institute of Cincinnati. Ever ready to lead in the cause of truth and right, and firm in adherence to principle he has been a staunch pioneer in the field of medical reform. His well known principles of "temperance in all things" and his noble life in maintaining those principles, has been a keen rebuke to many in pursuit of hurtful indulgence, and the hale old man of eighty-four years is as energetic as a boy of eighteen, because of a "sound mind in a sound body." The doctor was married Sept, 8th 1824 to Sallie Bates, by whom he had eight children, as follows: Curtis W., Sarah, Allen, Edward, Allen R., Amoret, John L., and Annie E. August 31st, 1886, his wife died, and March 12th, 1867, he was married to Mrs. Jane Irwin, with whom he is now living.

Dr. Bushnell has been a life long believer in the religion of Jesus Christ, and a consistent adherent to that view of it held by the "Disciples of Christ" Church, and has acted in the capacity of public speaker for more than half a century. He furnished three boys for the war of the rebellion. Allen R. Bushnell, his son, left a lucrative business in the law profession at Lancaster, Grant County, Wisconsin, to risk his life for the perpetuity of the government of the United States. There he acquitted himself honorably, rose to the rank of Captain, was successful in his charge, respected by his comrades, received an honorable discharge, and returned to his profession. John L. Bushnell, another son was taken prisoner, and discharged, but so reduced in strength as to be unable to get home, and his father had to go and assist him, he being almost a helpless invalid. Milo F. Bushnell, his youngest son, and staff of his old age, enlisted in the army at the age of eighteen, went to Gallipolis, Ohio, to do duty there, and served, acceptably, for ten months, when he was discharged, from all labor, by the impartial hand that guides the universe, and his father had to go and get his remains, and commit them to their alloted place in that silent city where most of the ancestors dwell.

8. Hiram, born 21 OCT 1802, died 06 AUG 1832, unmarried.

9. Rhoda, born 06 MAY 1806, died 06 MAY 1828, unmarried.

10. Elijah, born 29 MAR 1807.

11. Newton, born 29 OCT 1811, died 22 AUG 18**, married Jane Oliver, removed to LaPorte, IN where he died.

12. Rececca Banning, born 01 MAY 1813, died 17 OCT 1828, unmarried.

13. Alexander, born 25 MAR 1815.

[The following is not part of the Bushnell Genealogy] and is taken from:

Bushnell, Dr. G.W. Prospectus - Genealogy & History of the Bushnell Family. 1884.

ALEXANDER BUSHNELL, (thirteenth child of Daniel Bushnell,) was born in Hartford, Trunbull Co., Ohio, March 25, 1815. He is a man of just and liberal views, great strength of character, and one of "nature's noblemen." On September 9, 1834, he was united in marriage to Miss Lucy Banning, who has been to him a most true and excellent companion for nearly half a century. In 1837 Mr. Bushnell went from Ohio to Illinois, where he entered land for a farm, to which he and his wife removed the year subsequently. He had entered the Christian ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church before leaving Ohio, and in 1844, they crossed the Mississippi river, and began missionary work in Iowa. Here he labored successfully for fourteen years, after which he removed to Terre Haute, Henderson Co., Ill., where they resided five years, afterward locating in Blandinsville, McDonough Co., Ill., which has been their home from 1860 until the present time (1884), with the exception of two years spent in Nauvoo, Ill. Although now well advanced in years, he still continues active in Christian work, preaching nearly every Sabbath. His life has been a very active one, full of usefulness, and he has been instrumental in accomplishing much good for his fellowmen.

14. Joseph, born 09 SEP 1816, died 11 DEC 1816.

15. Joseph, born 19 MAR 1818.

[The following is not part of the Bushnell Genealogy] and is taken from:

Bushnell, Dr. G.W. Prospectus - Genealogy & History of the Bushnell Family. 1884.

JOSEPH BUSHNELL, (fifteenth child of Daniel Bushnell.), was born in Hartford, Trumbull Co., Ohio, March 19, 1818. He was kind and generous in his nature, warm in his affections, and upright and honorable in all the relations of life. He was educated at Meadville College, Pennsylvania, and afterward studied law with Wade & Giddings at Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, subsequently entering into partnership with those reknowned jurists, in the practice of his profession. He gave his heart to God while yet in his teens. February 25, 1841, he was married to Miss Lucy Sedelia Case, of Burghill, Trumbull Co., Ohio, who proved a most faithful and devoted wife. To them was born one child, Joseph P. Bushnell. In early life Mr. Bushnell had felt that God called him to devote his life to the Christian ministry, but circumstances had led him in another direction, though he had never been able to rid himself of the feeling that it was his duty to preach the Gospel, and in July 1844, renouncing all other considerations, he was received into the East Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It was his intention to join his brother Alexander, in the following year, who was then enganged in misssionary labors in Iowa, but this career so full of promise for good, was brought to an abrupt termination, even in the beginning, and he died of typhoid fever, December 22, 1845. Though his life was short, yet if "He lives longest who lives to life's most noble end" he lives yet in the lives of those who were influenced by his example and council while living.

16. Philena, born 12 FEB 1821, died 03 OCT 18.

17. Benjamin, born 07 JUL 1823."

  Bushnell Index Page.