
The Levels Of The Week

Monday 29th December
Prower's Gate To Hell
Michael "Prower" Reid
(WWW Page)

Equally impressive sequel to the Level Of The Week for 19th September, Prower's Military Base.

Some impressive construction and lighting, plenty of running around finding switches and keys, and fairly hard...

Friday 5th December
Invasion v1.9
Paul Fleschute
(WWW Page)

36 new levels, 180 new textures, 5 new enemies and 20 new pieces of music... Yep, it's big.

Invasion v1.7 won Level Of The Week award for Friday 21st August 1997, and little has changed since then. Paul has added more new textures and music, and tweaked some of the levels, but the overall impression is the same.

Episode 3 is especially impressive with mostly new textures, an awesome sky, and some great level design. For some reason E3M1 reminds me of Quake II - I think it's the great outdoor design that does it, with huge dark buildings silhouetted against an alien sky. All in all some nice work - just a shame that a couple of the monsters and a few of the levels aren't up to the standards of the rest...

Can't wait for Invasion II...

Friday 28th November
Final KillMe
S.A. Stephenson

Compilation WAD of the whole KillMe Trilogy, featuring gameplay enhancements, new rooms and some minor bug fixes. Three whole episodes of furious Doom action, with some nice design and impressive locations.

There are some bad texture choices and alignment which spoil the look of some of the levels. Also, some levels have a very open design that makes the game a little choppy in places, and what with the excess of flashing lights as well I got a headache after playing for a while...

Having said that, these levels are well worth checking out, and are mostly on a par with many of id's Doom levels... For all those of you starved by the month-long drought of decent new Doom I levels, this WAD should provide a much needed fix.

Friday 10th October
Castle From Hell
Scott Harper

A huge castle-style level. Run around the battlements and towers before breaking into the keep. A fairly intricate design, with one or two rather nasty traps. This is a new version of a very old level, which was in my original Doom Top Ten... Showing its age, but still worth a look.

Friday 3rd October
#1 Kill Extra
Angelo Jefferson

Impressive looking alien-tech style base level. Some eye-dropping scenery, atmospheric lighting, and damned hard to boot. Every step you take drops you deeper into paranoia as whole new areas suddenly open up, pouring forth whole hordes of monsters. Well worth a look...

Friday 19th September
Prower's Military Base
Michael Reid

Mixture of marble and military base (funnily enough) styles featuring some nice architecture and lighting, and fairly challenging in places. Includes some special effects including a rather pointless use of 'deep water' and a nice example of a floor you can walk on and under...

Friday 28th August
Rage 12
David Rager

One of three levels released this week by David Rager - the other two are Rage 11 and Rage 13.
Rage 12 is a base-style level, a little like Episode 1 of Doom. Well built, and fairly tricky in places.

Friday 21st August
Invasion 1.7
Paul F.

A huge Ultimate Doom TC featuring 36 levels, lots of new textures, a few new monsters, some new sprites, music and sounds... Levels are variable in quality - some are great, some fairly mediocre. Some of the new monsters are also pretty dull - the new demon just seems to be the old demon dyed green and bleeding slime. But some are stunning - the first time I came across a drone I literally jumped out of my seat from shock.
All in all a huge but variable TC, but still well worth downloading...

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