Bridge with Tichu Cards

It'd be interesting to see if one could play Bridge with Tichu cards. Everyone gets dealt 14 cards. There are 4 suits from Ace to Two (Spades - Swords, Hearts - Stars, Diamonds - Jade, Clubs - Pagode) and 4 special cards (Dog, Dragon, Phoenix and Mahjong).

If you bid a contract you now have to get at least 7 tricks + the level of your contract, so there are again 7 levels of bidding and the scoring/rewards are exactly as in normal contract bridge.

Example hand

sp P
S 10 6
H K 7 4
D A 7 4
C K 9 6 3 2
sp d
S A Q 8 4
H 8 6 2
D 6 5
C A J 8 4

E sp 1
S J 9 5 3
H A Q 3
D Q 10 9 3 2
sp D
S K 7 2
H J 10 9 5
D K J 8
C 10 7 5
East plays in 3S (10 tricks from 14) and may lead himself as he has the Mahjong. He leads the Mahjong and demands Spades.
1. 1 2 Q P
2. 4 9 J 5
3. 8 6 A 2
4. 4 Q D 2
5. J 6 7 A
Now declarer has to guess the trumps by running the Jack, trump to the Ace. Ace of Clubs, ruff a Club with the last trump in dummy. Ruff a Diamond. Dog to the two winning diamonds discarding Hearts. Just made.

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