Fantunes Two-Bids

In the early 2000s, Fulvio Fantoni and Claudio Nunes (nicknamed "Fantunes") conquered the Bridge world, using a natural system with intermediate two-bids. Their two-bids show 10 -- 13 HCP and an unbalanced hand. This is slightly unsound, but their results show that their system is highly effective. This page describes a variation of the Fantunes intermediate two-bids, although the strength is 1 HCP less (approximately 9 -- 12 HCP).

Opening bid style

The recommended opening style is as follows:

  • In 1st and 2nd seat, a two-level intermediate opening bid shows a good 9 to 12 HCP, an unbalanced hand and does not include both majors. This means that the opening bids 2 and 2 show either at least a 6-card major or a 5-card major with at least a 4-card minor. An opening bid of 2 or 2 can include any four-card side suit.
  • In 3rd seat, other than the hand type with 9 - 12 HCP and at least a five-card suit, also weak two type hands with 6 - 8 HCP are included. Balanced hands (5332) may also be opened on the two-level for lead-directing purposes.
  • In 4th seat, a two-level opening bid shows a one-suited hand (6 cards) and approximately 10 - 13 HCP.

    Next further bidding after the opening bids is discussed.

    Responding with an unpassed hand

    When responder is an unpassed hand, the main goal is to explore if game should be played, and if so to find the best game.

    Responses to 2

    2 - ?
  • 2: Asking bid, invitational or better
  • 2: Constructive, not forcing
  • 2: Constructive, not forcing
  • 2NT: Invitational, 5+, 4+
  • 3: To play
  • 3: Invitational with a good suit
  • 3NT: To play


    Responses to the relay

    2 - 2 - ?
  • 2: 3- or 4-card
  • 2: 3- or 4-card , no 3-card
  • 2NT: 4-card , no 3-card major
  • 3: Minimum, 6+, no 4-card major
  • 3: Maximum, 6+, no 3-card major

    Secondary relays

    2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - ?
  • 2NT: 4-card
  • 3: 6+, 3, no 3
  • 3: 4-card
  • 3: 4-card
  • 3: 3-card
  • 3NT: 2 3 2 6

    2 - 2 - 2 - 2NT - ?

  • 3: 6+, 3, no 3
  • 3: 4-card
  • 3: 4-card , 2-card
  • 3: 4-card , short
  • 3NT: 3 2 2 6

    Responses to 2

    2 - ?
  • 2: Asking bid, invitational or better
  • 2: Constructive, not forcing
  • 2NT: Puppet to 3, either weak with or GF with one or both 5-card majors
  • 3: Invitational, 5 - 5 majors
  • 3: To play
  • 3: Invitational with a good suit
  • 3NT: To play

    Responses to the relay

    2 - 2 - ?
  • 2: 3- or 4-card
  • 2NT: 3- or 4-card , no 3-card
  • 3: 4-card , no 3-card major
  • 3: Minimum, 6+, no 4-card major
  • 3: Maximum, 6+, no 3-card major

    Secondary relays

    2 - 2 - 2 - 2NT - ?
  • 3: 4-card
  • 3: 6+, 3, no 3
  • 3: 4-card
  • 3: 4-card
  • 3NT: 2 3 2 6

    2 - 2 - 2NT - 3 - ?

  • 3: 6+, 3, no 3
  • 3: 4-card
  • 3: 4-card
  • 3NT: 3 2 2 6

    Responses to 2

    2 - ?
  • 2: Asking bid, almost forcing to game
  • 2NT: 5+, invitational or better
  • 3: Invitational, good suit
  • 3: To play/li>
  • 3: Invitational, good suit
  • 3NT: To play

    After the 2 Relay

    2 - 2 - ?
  • 2NT: 6+
  • 3: 4+
  • 3: 4
  • 3: 5+


    After 2NT showing

  • 3: 4+
  • 3: 4+
  • 3: 6+
  • 3: Minimum with 3
  • Higher bids show 3+


    Responses to 2

    2 - ?
  • 2NT: Asking bid, almost forcing to game
  • 3: Invitational with 6+ or GF with 5+
  • 3: Invitational, good suit
  • 3: Forcing with 6+
  • 3: To play
  • 3NT: To play

    After the 2NT Relay

    2 - 2NT - ?
  • 3: 6+
  • 3: 4+
  • 3: 4
  • 3: 5+

    After 3 showing

  • 3: Doubleton
  • 3: Shortness in
  • 3: Maximum with good 6
  • Higher bids show 3+

    Responses by a passed hand

    When responder is a passed hand, there is no more need for a forcing relay. Therefore the following responses are played:
  • 2 (over 2): Both majors
  • 2: 6-card suit, to play (weak two hand type)
  • 2NT: Maximum Pass with good fit
  • 3 of a suit: Fit-showing (non)jump with 5 cards in the bid suit and four-card support
  • 3 of opener's suit: To play
  • After interference

    In case of interference, these opening bids are treated as constructive bids, i.e. after an overcall below three of our suit, double is T/O and opener is expected to reopen with an appropriate hand. In case of interference above 3 of our suit, double is penalty as opener is not strong enough to reopen.