by: Charles G. Ramsey

The hardest thing on the road of life
Is not the length of the way,
For some it's long,
For some it's short,
The shadows at close of day.

The hardest thing and the saddest thing
That weighs upon the breast,
That brings despair,
That brings deep care,
To the one that seeks for rest,

Ah yes, dear friend, the hardest thing
Is lonesomeness we feel;
The suffering soul,
The long lost goal,
For the friends that weren't so real.

But the hardest and the saddest thing,
The lonesomeness of soul,
Is somehow gone,
Is fled from one
Who maketh Christ his goal.

He's gone before on the lonesome road;
He knows each curve and snare,
He is the way,
Eternal day;
He seeks to lead you there.

Believe in Him, reach out in faith;
Trust in His loving care,
The Christ Who died,
The Christ Who lives,
He seeks to lead you there.

Poem Index 4

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