by: Clay Harrison

I'm sometimes so tired and weary
That I can't seem to stand
For the road ahead is dreary
Across life's burning sand.

It seems the nights grow longer
When I can't see the light...
If my faith were only stronger,
The path would be so bright.

Help me, Lord, to find the power
To endure what lies ahead.
Be my guide every hour
As I earn my daily bread.

Give me strength enough to rally
Over hills I must climb...
Lead me through the peaceful valley;
Lift me up one more time...

Be my friend when I am lonely;
Be my refuge from the storm.
When I'm cold or lost or hungry,
Take my heart and keep it warm.

Thank You, Lord, for being there,
For loving me so much.
And thank You for the gift of prayer
That keeps our heartsin touch.

Poem Index 3

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