by: Velta Myrle Allen

I would not trade my lot in life
for anyone's I know,
For in my trials, and happiness,
I've felt my spirit grow,

I've squelched a tear,
and laughed some, too,
And done some things
that others do.

For through the years I've had so much
Of human love and human touch,
I would not trade my lot in life
for anyone's I know.

I would not trade one day of time
for all the years of others,
For even with some heartbreaks,
and the pain that sort of smothers,

I've glimpsed through clouds of darkest hue
A glorious sight of all things true;
With a silver lining that leads me on
Towards life's sunset, with my work well done.

So I would not trade one day of life
for all the years there are,
But keep my chin raised high and firm,
and my eyes upon a star.

Poem Index 2

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