by: Denise A. DeWald

Tke my hand and help me through
The journey of this day
Guide my thoughts and show me what
You would have me say.

Lift me up when oft I fall,
Help me when I fail
Place me in the eye of the storm
As I walk through the gale.

Banish doubt and snatch away fear,
Hold high the lantern bright
Push back shadows from my path,
Keep at bay my fright.

Grant me grace and dignity,
Not smugness and conceit
Pluck some blossoms of Your peace
To scatter at my feet.

Make a place upon Your lap
Where I can come and rest
Hold me close, Your wayward child,
To Your loving breast.

Wipe away the tears I cry,
Whisper, "It's alright."
Tell me I can rise above
Because of Your great might.

Then gently set me on my feet,
My faltering faith restored,
So I can hail the ship of life...
And once more climb aboard.

Poem Index 2

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